newborn baby weight loss | The Trenches of Motherhood

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

newborn baby weight loss


At this exact moment, my 9-month-old is napping peacefully and my four-year-old is playing pretend Christmas – wrapping up toys to give to me. Seeing this scene you would have no idea how much of a fiasco our midday was.

It started out normally, eating breakfast and preparing to go to the Y with a planned play date after. All things we normally do. Upon arriving at the Y, Jack walked into the childcare area without an issue, but for some reason when I finished signing him in, he had a complete meltdown. The kind you would expect from a two-year-old.

I spent the next 30 minutes trying to persuade him to stay before having to throw in the towel, literally carrying him out of the Y as he kicked and screamed. Thank goodness for a friend who was there who not only carried Isaac out for me, but also took all of my stuff while I wrestled with Jack.

It was one of those moments where you just block out everyone else – the stares from strangers, the screams of your child; walking with determination to you car as your arms and spirit ache with the weight of it all.

With the children safely in the car (though still screaming), I stood outside and took a deep breath in an effort to prepare myself for the drive home. My friend and I laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation and I apologized for having to cancel our post-Y play date. She smiled and offered to pray for me, knowing that my afternoon might be difficult. But then she went a step further and, right there in the parking garage, offered a prayer to God on my behalf. She prayed that there would be grace and energy and strength for me in the moments to come. 

Before I became a mother, I didnt have a lot of close girlfriends. It is something I have had to really work at. The further I wade into the waters of motherhood, the more grateful I am to have forged the friendships that I have. We have bonded over the good and hard moments of parenting. These women have become my confidants, my cheerleaders, and support system as I try to figure out life as a mom. I hope we dont have to cancel another play date, but am forever thankful for friends who are understanding and even willing to pray for me, on the spot if necessary.

Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better. 10 If one falls, the other pulls him up; but if a man falls when he is alone, he’s in trouble. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (Living Bible Translation)

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