pregnancy weight loss tea

It is hard to believe that it has been FOUR weeks since we were preparing to go to the hospital to induce little Isaac into this world.

This has been the week we have adjusted to being on our own for the first time family has left and Daniel has returned to his crazy work schedule.

We loved having people here and everyone getting to meet our newest addition, but it has been nice to focus on settling into our normal routines again.

Jack loved the non-stop attention first his Nana (Daniels mom) was here for several days.

Then his Aunt Amy and Aunt Emily came and did lots of fun stuff with him.

His Grammy (my mom) was here for a full two weeks cooking, cleaning and taking lots of trips to the park across the street.

In between we had great aunts and uncles and Great Grandmothers drop into visit.

Finally, everything culminated with a house full (16 people to be exact) to celebrate Isaacs birth and Mothers Day.

My Nana came from Canada, my sister and her kids from Florida, my parents were here for Arkansas, and my brother and one of my aunts and her family were here from Nashville.

As my sister said on her Facebook album: "Think Dan in Real Life or Home Alone & that is what our family get togethers are like."

In other words, it was a bit crazy, but awesome. Family took care of cooking and cleaning. My uncle even did me a solid and cleaned my microwave and the outside of my stove. I will never turn down free cleaning :)

This week we have been adjusting to life as usual. Every day Jack wants to know what we are going to do (he has had lots of people to do stuff with over the last month!).

Isaac may have developed a slight case of lap colic (the boy did get held/passed around my tons of people last weekend). Also, he seems to love noise as soon as everyone left he seemed to not nap quite as well.

This week I have been working at getting him back into his sleep routine (sans the crazy noise levels). Thankfully he seems to be a baby that will sleep anywhere.

Looking back, Jack went through some similar patterns we visited family for Thanksgiving two weeks after his birth and he had a bit of trouble adjusting back to life as usual.

I am so grateful to have two easy going boys. I am also grateful for all of our family jumping in to help us and to come meet and love on our boys. We feel incredibly blessed.

This week I managed to get back into my laundry routine and picking up the house (with Jacks help). Next week I hope to incorporate grocery shopping (our house is currently empty of food) and cooking back into my schedule.

And for the days I cant get it done, well, The Pizza Place is only a phone call away...

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