raw vegan pregnancy weight loss
Perhaps because I am choosing to have peace in my life this year, I am letting something go that would normally bother me.
Since Daniel and I were first married, we have sent out Christmas/New Years cards in the month of December. Initially they were newsletters about what we had been up to that year and they always included a Top 10 list. Eventually it morphed into just the Top 10 list since my blog keeps family and friends updated throughout the year.
There have been some years I have missed, and unfortunately this year falls into that category.
I had good intentions, I even updated our address book in preparation, but December was full of end-of-year busyness for us as well as sickness. So I am letting my expectations go and posting a digital Top 10 instead of sending a real-life card this year.
I LOVE to get Christmas cards in December from friends and family. It reminds me of what it is like to get snail mail. It makes me feel connected and loved and its a tradition that I adore. I hope those of you that send cards continue to do so, and hopefully 2015 will be the year we get back on track with our card sending.
We kicked off 2014 living out of suitcases, with the hopes of getting resettled in the Chattanooga area. This year has been all about that transition as we adjust to a new home, in a new state, and strive to find work/life/family balance.

Here are our Top 10 Highlights from 2014
10. We started the year essentially homeless. Most of our belongings were in storage and we lived out of suitcases in a vacation rental home until the end of February.
9. We purchased our third house and spent most of the month of March getting settled. This is also the third state we have lived in since getting married. We can officially close the chapter on living in hotels and vacation homes.
8. We really love the Chattanooga area and have spent many weekends taking Jack hiking, biking or canoeing. As he grows we hope to have plenty of adventures as a family.
7. We experienced a miscarriage.
6. Jack started preschool. He is a really social kid and will regularly ask if he can go to either preschool, the Y or church.
5. We got pregnant again and are expecting our second childs arrival some time in mid April.
4. We took a family vacation to Mexico Beach. Jack is the perfect age to really enjoy this type of vacation. As always, Daniel and I love sharing new experiences with him. We had a great time swimming with dolphins and spending time with my family.That pretty much sums up our 2014 year. We are looking forward to 2015 and all it holds.
3. We finally embraced kid holidays. Daniel and I have spent most of our married life avoiding holidays that were overly kid oriented. Sure, we visited with family for Easter, but we never had a reason to go on an Easter Egg Hunt. We never trick-or-treated... In fact we were the couple that turned off our lights and hid in our basement instead of handing out candy. We have never even exchanged Christmas gifts with each other. So, we are in new territory when it comes to Jack. We are slowly forming new traditions and doing things like going Trick-or-Treating, even if it is sleeting outside.
2. Daniel and I celebrated our 12th anniversary. One of these days we would like to take a big trip to celebrate an anniversary, but since we are in the throes of parenthood, it looks like that may have to wait until our 15th.
1. We joined a small group. Ever since Daniel and I were first married, we have been a part of a small group at whatever church we attended. These small groups have shaped our lives and helped us feel connected to others. Small groups have provided a safe place for us to grow our faith as well as our marriage and family. We feel tremendously blessed to be plugged in with a small group again.
If you are interested, here are our Top 10 List from Years Past
2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | We skipped 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013

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