baby weight loss secrets

I know that it is already June and Jack has been out of preschool for almost a month now, but I wanted to record a little from his first year of preschool. Jack had a great experience and some wonderful teachers. I think his favorite parts of school included music class, doing crafts and PlayBunch. Every day he asks when he can go to school. I tell him when the weather gets cooler he will go back.

First Day of Preschool

Halloween Party

Dressing up and playing with play-doh.

Making slushies.

On the playground for PlayBunch

Making new friends and learning to share.

Easter Egg Hunt

Learning about taking care of our teeth from a local dentist.

Checking out the animals from a petting zoo.

Spring Music Program

Last day of school. Party at the park.

School/Class Photos

Our floppy-haired boy has grown so much this year.
We cant wait to see what the coming years have in store!
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