baby losing weight reasons | Daniel is 35

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2016

baby losing weight reasons

Another year is in the books for Daniel. It is hard to believe that he is already 35 (and that I will be in a few months). 

The last couple of years have been a bit of a blur. Between Daniels crazy work hours and raising little ones, the days are both long and short. We blink and another day, month, year has passed us by.

We have been desperately trying to find ways to embrace this stage and to take advantage of the short time we have with each other and our boys. Thankfully Daniel was able to have his actual birthday off (after the last year, I will never take Saturdays for granted again!) and we were able to spend some quality time with family.

We started our morning by sleeping in. Winning! Then went to Lookout Mountain for a 3-mile hike at Lula Lake.

After our hike we stopped at the newest location of Mojo Burrito (one of our favorite burrito joints) in St. Elmo at the base of Lookout. The food was fantastic (as usual) and we loved the outdoor dining space.
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Daniels mom and sisters met us at Mojo and then we all went back to our house to celebrate Daniels birthday with delicious cupcakes they had brought with them from The Painted Cupcake in Nashville (this is becoming a tradition). 

After cupcakes and visiting, Daniel and I cleaned up and left our boys in the capable hands of their nana and aunts and made our way downtown to the Bluffs View Art District for coffee at Rembrandts Coffee House (a favorite, and also becoming a tradition).

We savored our coffee and the much needed date (though we did end up talking about the boys a bit). The best part of Daniels day (for him) was that when he was parallel parking our car, some young whipper snappers walked by and said, "That guy must have a back-up camera." Indicating that Daniel did such a good job parking there was no way he could have done it in one shot without a camera. Kudos to my husband and his proficiency at parallel parking!

The boys had a wonderful time with our family and it was nice to have an evening off from bedtime duties.

Sunday after church, we met Daniels dad and his wife at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, Abuelos, in Hamilton Place. We discovered this restaurant while I was pregnant with Isaac and we love their chips and salsa.
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We are so thankful Daniel was able to be home with us for his birthday and that we were able to see his family and pack a lot into our weekend.

Happy Birthday, Daniel. We love you to the moon and back and I look forward to many, many, many more years together!

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