rapid pregnancy weight loss
Isaac is four months now and I thought I would do a quick recap of the products we are using this time around.
Most of the things we own are from Jack (second kids get all hand-me-downs, #amiright). We had two showers for Jack (a family one and a work one) and many of those items continue to serve us well.

Isaac sleeps in the same Fisher-Price Rock N Play Newborn Sleeper that Jack did. Though he has about outgrown it. We love it because it keeps his head elevated and it is great for traveling (and keeping in our bedroom). We will move him upstairs to his crib soon.
We still have the same Kelty Messenger Diaper Bag. Almost four years later, some of the mesh material is starting to rip on the travel diaper changing pad, but overall this has been a great bag for us. Its not too big and Daniel doesnt mind carrying it. I also use a striped bag I picked up at Target earlier this year. It is technically my purse, but is big enough to basic throw baby necessities in (diaper, wipes, changing pad and one change of clothes).

Our second-hand BOB Revolution stroller is still a favorite. This summer it came in handy for loading up gear to take to the pool. Since Jack is 3.5 and a good walker, we decided that we didnt really need a double stroller.

I no longer have the Baby Bjorn baby carrier it really dug into my shoulders and I didnt like it once Jack was over 12 pounds, BUT I have really liked having an Ergo carrier that I am borrowing from a friend. It doesnt dig into my shoulders and since Isaac is already 20-ish pounds, it is a better fit. I wear Isaac a lot in the Ergo when we are running around. I really like that it keeps my hands free so that I can engage with Jack. Also, it is perfect for grocery shopping (Jack just stands on the cart).

Our baby gym is still a favorite with Isaac. I lay him on it in the mornings and he loves to grab at the mobile and kick at the hanging toys. We also use a baby rocker for naps and Isaac enjoys swatting at the hanging toys.
Plastic Bathtub with sling insert. This is a basic plastic tub we were given when Jack was born and we are still using it for Isaac. Isaac is almost too big for the sling, so I will be glad when he can sit up on his own without the sling.

We still use our Fisher Price Space Saver High Chair. In the reclined position (without the tray), Isaac can sit with us at the dinner table. Isaac is very social and cries if he gets left out. It wont be long until we are using it for giving Isaac food we will be doing baby-led weaning again this time around.

Cloth Diapers we are still using our cloth diapers. We had 30 that we used with Jack, and about 10 of them leak now. After 3.5 years we were just thankful that most of them are still good. We ordered 10 new diapers and are back to 30. This allows me to wash a load every other day.

Overall, we are still using most of the same products as we did for Jack. I did lose a box of Jacks 0-6 month clothes, so we had to hit up the consignment sales to supplement, but he is already wearing many of Jacks old clothes. Burp cloths get a lot of use and Im glad we had a big stash from before.

Toys - at this stage Isaac is minimally interested in toys. But he really enjoys when we read books to Jack.
Things we are not currently using this time around:
Baby Monitor we will use this once we move Isaac to his bedroom upstairs, but have used it minimally since Isaac sleeps in our room.
Sound Machine we havent used this at all.
Bibs Isaac spits up a lot, but not quite as bad as Jack did. Once he starts drooling more, we may reconsider the bibs. Its a good thing we have a huge stack from 3 years ago!
Pacifiers we have tried to give Isaac a paci, but he isnt interested. He likes to chew it but rarely sucks on it.

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