weight loss during early pregnancy symptoms
I just got off the telephone with Patty, Patty who understands.
I am missing my children something awful.
When pregnant with Alison, I didnt believe I was having a baby. I felt if I ever got to give birth, it would be to nothingness. When I was pregnant with Adam, I swore until the moment of delivery I would have another daughter, a sister for Alison, named Julia Elizabeth. When my doctor pronounced, "Its A Boy," all I could think was "how could my daughter have a penis?" Perhaps it was the drugs from the c-section, but the thought rolled around in my head for weeks afterwards.
I find myself calm at this moment, after being in tears just a short while ago. I felt weepy for Solomon on the first day of school - he would have been a third-grader like so many of my friends kids. But now, with both Alison and Adam in school, I feel a different kind of loss, one that is much harder to describe to someone who isnt like me. So I called who I knew would help.
And she did.

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