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This week, we had quite the adventure as we welcomed film maker, Chris Wiegand into our home. If you havent already heard, Chris is filming an incredible documentary-movie called, "American Blogger." Over the next 2 months, he is traveling coast to coast in his vintage air stream (that he renovated himself) filming and capturing the hearts and lives of bloggers all across the nation. This is going to be an amazing piece of work when hes finished!
When I got an email from Chris sweet wife, Casey, who is a phenomenal, straight from the heart blogger and friend, asking me to be a part of this journey, I was so excited! Seriously. It was such a great and fantastic experience just for our family to connect with Chris heart and vision. You guys, I want to be neighbors with the Wiegands. So much kindness, sincerity and beauty comes from this family. Casey...keep scheming and brainstorming. ;)
Chris arrived Tuesday evening, after driving straight from Palm Beach, Florida. He filmed our nightly routine as we ate dinner and put the boys to bed. Wait, do we even have a routine? ;) Then after the boys were fast asleep, he and Samuel talked shop about gear, film and the movie industry. After that, we headed into the city to hang out with my girl friends. Chris wanted to get as much variety of my normal flow of life as he could, seeing he that was leaving the next morning. So, out to girls night it was.
Any of you who follow along my journey here or on instagram, know how dear and vital my friends are to my heart. It worked out so perfectly, that at the last minute, everyone was able to get together and Chris was able to catch it all on film. We all met up near uptown and walked to a roof top restaurant where we laughed and caught up on our lives. Chris followed along, filming and interviewing me at various times, asking me all kinds of questions about blogging, my family, and the important role my friends play in my life. It was great!
The next morning, before he had to head out to his next stop, a few hours away, there were more interviews and more filming. Then, Samuel and I also got to take Chris to our favorite coffee stop, Not Just Coffee. Then, right before Chris pulled out of our driveway, he invited us to take a look inside the "American Blogger" Air Stream camper. It was SO AMAZING! It literally looked like a little Ikea apartment. So cool. Kael was kind of obsessed with it calling it a robot truck. Wait, what am I saying... I was obsessed with it! ha! I think I join in with the voices of everyone whos seen this fabulous little silver darling when I say that I WANT ONE! Ah!
This was such an awesome and fun experience. It was fun showing off our Queen City and sharing a peek into our life with Chris. But, more than anything, it was a delight to have our families connect, hear his heart and vision for this movie and to be a part of the adventure of it all.
American Blogger will be available for purchase on iTunes when it is completed. I will post updates here as it get closer to the launching of it as well. Follow Chris journey this summer on his instagram, ChrisWiegand #americanblogger. You can also keep up to date on whats happening and where he is in his travels on his wifes blog "Casey Leigh."
Thanks for giving us the joy and opportunity of contributing Chris and Casey! Love you guys!
Jess, Sam and the boys

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