pre pregnancy weight loss diet
My Dear Forest Boy,
I feel like the most privileged girl in the world to be your momma. Watching you learn and grow, these past months, has been the most magical, new and emotional adventure my heart has ever taken. All of a sudden, the mantra of countless moms, dads and grandparents saying: "Enjoy it, they grow so fast..." has become the beginning of a new reality for me. I feel like I want to press the pause button, weeks at a time, so I can soak up the new pages of your exploding personality. Now that youre going to be a big brother, I find myself living in slow motion more than I used to. I know that in just a few months, well have a new friend and adventurer to share our time with. It wont be just you, me and daddy anymore. That thought excites my heart and it makes me kinda sad at the same time. Not a real sad, but just a realization that things will be kind of different; a good different but different just the same. I cant tell you how thrilled I am to watch you be a big brother and have a new friend for life. I cant wait to watch you two play and come in from outside covered in, Lord knows what, with big grins on your face. But, back to us. You are our best little buddy. You make me and your daddy laugh and love like no other human on earth can. I love you. You have been sunshine to me, and have been the source of so much growth in my own heart and life. The last 5 months, when my heart was the most broken its ever been, you were the greatest source of comfort and light in such a dark time. You were literally the heart of Jesus to me in my most vulnerable moments. Thank you for that sweetheart. You are such a joy. There are so many new happy memories to be made and places to be explored! Your daddy and I adore you!
Its going to be a fun day today! We all will get to find out if youre going to have a little brother or sister. You, me and your Daddy, were getting ready for another extravaganza of love, arent we!? Lets go, full speed ahead!
All the love in my heart,
Some of my most precious memories being made lately have been taking Káel to his favorite park on sunny days. Sam captured a few of these memories for me a couple of weeks ago. I love having a film guy as my husband. Cant wait to watch all of our videos with our kids when they are older! ;) <3

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