pregnancy vomiting weight loss
Think Like a Freak #mohausreading2015
I read Freakonomics back in 2008 (and then again in 2013) and remember enjoying the perspective of the world that authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner offered. The ideas were fresh and exciting. I have not read their second book, Superfreakonomics, but Im guessing it is more of the same as book 1.
I was eager to read their third book, Think Like a Freak, when I saw it at the library. I thought it was a good way to kick off my reading for 2015. The book was an easy read, but the perspective no longer felt fresh. It was more same-old, same-old. I think the authors have a very unique way of looking at the world and I would like to see that perspective applied to something new. Their last chapter talks about quitting, maybe they are aware that it is time to make a change...
I gave this book 2 out of 5 stars on Goodreads.

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