pregnancy weight loss time
Its interesting to look back and see how I handled becoming a new parent when Jack was born. Some things are the same with a second child, and some things are different. We are only 3 weeks in and I have to confess that its been easier than I thought it would be.

The Same
1) With both Jack and Isaac, Daniel was able to take 3 weeks off at the time of their birth. I think in both cases this has helped tremendously with the transition of our growing family.
2) In terms of the baby part, Isaac is much the same as Jack was... he spends most of the day eating, sleeping and pooping. It sometimes feels like a never-ending cycle.
3) At three weeks in, Jack became more fussy, wanting to be held more. Isaac has followed a similar pattern. I initially thought it was because we just had a big weekend where he was held a lot, but looking back it seems like he is just following in his big brothers footsteps.

1) In terms of different, the most obvious thing is that I am also juggling a 3 year old. Thankfully Jack is a good helper and I feel comfortable leaving him and Isaac alone in the same room (like when I need to swap out laundry). Jack is also a great helper he will retrieve things for me and helps me with cleaning up, doing the laundry and getting his own snacks.
2) When I became a first-time mom, it seems like it was months before I took a shower with any kind of regularity. I was surprised that I was able to get Isaac down for a nap and Jack simultaneously occupied while I hopped in the shower before eating a late lunch. Also this time around I dont have the phantom baby crying in my head every time I get in the shower.

3) It seems like our amount of laundry has increased ten-fold with the arrival of Isaac. I dont remember this much laundry before. It feels like we have been doing it non-stop since we came home from the hospital. We have already started using cloth diapers and that certainly isnt helping with the laundry situation.
4) I have yet to start cooking family and friends have been amazing with providing meals and cooking and cleaning while they visit. We didnt have that with Jack (though I also didnt have a c-section, so there was less need), but it has been great this time around. We also had the luxury of a friends dropping in to visit this afternoon. Jack was thrilled with the impromptu play date and Isaac just slept.
5) We definitely experienced the witching hour today. Right before Daniel got home, Isaac was crying and Jack fell and hurt himself (and was also crying). It was the first time I had to pick between the two boys. I let Isaac cry and picked Jack up to make sure his arm wasnt badly hurt. Im hoping I didnt hurt myself from lifting him, but the mom instinct kicked in and I felt like it was more important to make sure Jack was ok.
Overall things are going well. I didnt eat lunch until 2:30 and I am embracing the fact that a hot cup of coffee will be a figment of my imagination for about a year.

Jack at 3 weeks old
A look back: Flying Solo with Jack

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