weight loss very early pregnancy
Listening to a child talk about the world around them is fascinating. I am continuing to record the conversations that we have with Jack and will be including them on my blog from time to time. Here are some of the things Jack was telling us in the months of November and December of 2014...

"Daddy, youre a grown up. Im a big kid and mommy is a little kid."

"Im pretending to be a mommy and the baby is in my mommy tummy."

I asked Jack what he wanted to do today for his birthday. He said "Go to the Y, go to church and go to a big restaurant for a burrito."

Told me we needed to order a belt so that UPS could bring us a order (package). And daddy would give him a real knife to keep on his belt and he could open his order with his knife like daddy.

D: Jack are you a man?
J: No, not yet.
D: When will you be a man?
J: When I get taller enough, Ill be a man.

"Pooping is hard work."

"I practiced and practiced." (Said while jumping off the couch onto his bean bag).

"When I grow up, I can have the yucky orange medicine (cough drops) like you. Thats my favorite."

"Is that the sparkle medicine? Its yucky and its my favorite."

Uses the words "cool" and "awesome" when excited about something.

Tore down all of the streamers (a week after his birthday party) and matter-of-factly said, "The party is over."

"I need the big soy sauce (syrup) for my pancakes."

"Mommy, I cant hear so much. My ear has a plug in it." (In regard to stuffed up ears when driving up the mountain to our house).

We couldnt figure out who was turning off Jacks humidifier in the morning. Jack said, "I turned off the humidifier. It was out of water."

According to Jack the reason Sophie was sitting on the couch: "Sophies in time out. She wasnt listening."

"Daddy can go dig dinosaurs with me and then he can go do something else. Does that sound like a good plan?"

Me: do you thinks its a boy or a girl?
J: A boy.

"I dont feel good, boiled custard makes me feel better."

"My belly burped."

Super "cave" instead of "cape."
"Hook" instead of "hood."

Still calls applesauce "apple boss."

"It has to get new "babberies" (batteries) so it will work."

"Your tummy is getting bigger and then the baby is going to pop out."

Daniel wouldnt share his hat with Jack because his head was cold. He explained that Jack had hair to keep him warm and Jack said, "My hair is awesome."

"I have a baby in my tummy... its in my penis."

A baby was crying at the aquarium and Jack and I had the following discussion:
Jack: "Why is that baby crying?"
Me: "All babies cry like that sometimes."
Jack: "Is our baby going to cry like that?"
Me: "Yes, sometimes our baby will cry like that."
Jack: "Oh." He held my hand and was quiet after that.

Daniel was playing trucks with Jack outside and he started quoting lines about getting stuck in the mud from the book, "Little Blue Truck." Jack looked at him and said, "Theres no mud here. Its just a book. It has big important things to do."

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