pregnancy urine weight loss | Baby Update 34 Weeks Fair Game

Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

pregnancy urine weight loss

Amniotic Fluid
Yesterday I met with my high-risk OB again and learned that my fluid levels have gone back up to 27cm (which is what it was when I was admitted to the hospital for contractions a month ago). This wasnt news to me as I have been feeling more uncomfortable this last week. The good news is that at this point I am far enough along that the baby would be ok coming – everything is fair game. Though my high-risk OB did say that ideally I need to get to 35 weeks to avoid a stay in the NICU for the baby, but she thinks I should make it no problem.

Baby Size
Also according to yesterdays measurements, the baby is currently 6#5oz and has a huge head – Jack was 6#12oz at birth with a big head, so the head size is not a surprise. Unfortunately baby would not cooperate and show us a face – I guess the weekly ultrasounds are getting old. It continues to amaze me that the lips and nose of this baby look very similar to Jack. I cant wait to compare them in real life.

The high-risk OB and I discussed my risks from her perspective. She agrees with my regular OB that cord prolapse isnt necessarily going to be a problem for me, though she wouldnt rule it out. We also talked about the risk of Placental Abruption. The high-risk OB says she is definitely more cautious and just wanted to make sure I know the risks. There is no way to prevent this from happening, we just have to wait and see. I am doing my best not to worry and praying for a good outcome.

According to this website, exercise and a balanced diet can help prevent Placental Abruption, which is a good enough reason to me to keep exercising. My regular OB just says "not to run a marathon" and to "listen to my body." My high-risk OB asked if I was still doing Boot Camp. When I said that I was, she told me she would pretend she didnt know. 

One of the girls I work out with (who is also pregnant) asked if I thought I was more in shape this time around. It is hard to know because I am doing different things. With Jack I ran a half marathon at 12 weeks, but then stopped running. I also did yoga and kickboxing until the day Jack came. This time I lift weights and do yoga once a week and boot camp twice a week. I think I am physically stronger and more toned this time, but may have had more endurance last time. It will be interesting to see how that plays out with the delivery of Baby #2.

Baby Names
We still havent really talked about baby names. Daniel asked Jack what he thought we should name the baby if it was a boy. Jack said, "Ponga." I later asked what we should name the baby if it is a girl and Jack said, "Pineapple Daniel."  Meanwhile Daniel recently asked me what I thought about "Jim" (I said no) and I asked what he thought about "River" (he said no)... we have our work cut out for us with this naming business.

Are we ready for baby to show up? Not really. We moved the crib to the right room, but it is still in pieces on the floor and the nursery art from when Jack was a newborn is on the bed. We know where the carseat is, but havent made the effort to put the bases for it in our cars. I still havent packed a hospital bag. This is all stuff we should probably get started on.

The other day when I was checking out at Walmart, my (young) cashier asked what I was having. I told her I didnt know. She couldnt get over this idea. She kept asking if I had bought anything for the baby. I told her I had stuff from when Jack was born. And she asked what I would do if it was a girl, and I said I would just have to go shopping. She didnt think these were valid ideas. Honestly though, Im not worried. If we have a girl, she will have clothes and milk and blankets and a warm home and a loving family. It wont matter if the clothes arent "girl clothes" in the beginning.

Baby #2, 34 Weeks

Comparison: Pregnant with Jack, 34 Weeks

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