baby weight loss in utero

When I was pregnant with Jack, we hiked quite a bit: Walls of Jericho, Mount Tom, Mount Washington, DeSoto State Park and Cloudland Canyon.

Hiking during this pregnancy has been a bit more of a challenge due to winter weather, all of us being sick at various times and Daniels crazy work schedule (hes been working 12-15 hour shifts with no days off).

Earlier this year we did a quick hike to Rainbow Lake and yesterday we embraced the sunshine and took Jack to Green Gorge Park behind our house.

The last time we visited Green Gorge was a year ago and I was actually in the early stages of pregnancy before I miscarried. Its been a long year.

Anyways, it was a blessing to have Daniel home all weekend and the sunshine was calling our names, so we did a short 1-mile walk in the woods with Jack.

I am so proud of our little guy, he walked until we were almost done.

He had a blast balancing on rocks at various cross water crossings, blazing his own trail, being the leader and stomping int he mud.

Every time we stopped, he wanted to know if we were going to have a picnic. Next time we will have to remember to bring snacks.

His favorite thing was crossing the swing bridge. Which translated to us crossing the "wobbly bridge" multiple times.

I am so thankful that he enjoys the activities that we enjoy and we look forward to more hikes after baby #2 gets here.

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