post baby weight loss videos | Hike to Rainbow Lake

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016

post baby weight loss videos

Daniel is currently working long hours. He is at the end of a large project and it looks like things could be hectic for the next 6 months. We are trying our best to carve out family time whenever possible. Right now that means taking advantage of my OB appointment days.

This past Saturday Daniel left work early to get the tires rotated on one of our vehicles. This meant he was home by 5pm (which is pretty early for him). We had an hour before sunset, so we decided to do a quick hike down to Rainbow Lake.

The round trip hike to Rainbow Lake is 2 miles. Going down there are some steep switchbacks, but it is doable with our Bob Revolution Stroller (which is basically the equivalent of a mountain bike for small children). Jack walked at the very beginning, but it was cold and he hadnt napped, so it wasnt long until he was ready to ride.

On the way down, Daniel handled Sophie and I pushed the stroller. We passed several people coming back up. One lady (on the steepest section) asked if I had done this before. The implication being: do you know what you are getting into? I have hiked it before with the stroller, and I had every intention of making Daniel push the stroller back up to the top.

The temps were brisk, but it was nice for all of us to get out together as a family. At the lake, Jack insisted on walking down the steep, rocky trail by himself. I offered my hand, but he kept telling me, "I can do it myself."

The poor guy was freezing, so I gave him my vest. On the way back, we covered him up with an extra coat and he conked out. We could hear him snoring as we walked back up.

This was our first hike in almost a year, hopefully we will be finding time to get out on the trails more often (especially once Daniels big project winds down). Until then, short hikes here or there are to be savored.

Jack was so little the last time that we went to Rainbow Lake!

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