pregnancy and unintentional weight loss

We, along with a good portion of the south, got a dose of frigid weather last week and snow again today. As a reminder not to complain too much, I only have to look as far as Facebook and my relatives in Canada who have had -40ยบ Celsius temps!


In our little corner of the south, schools were closed all of last week, but thankfully the Y was still open and we were able to go to town several times to expend some energy.

While it was chilly, we didnt get much snow. Friday night we finally got a couple of inches, but by morning it was covered in a layer of ice. That didnt stop Daniel from taking Jack out on the sled.

Then this morning we woke up to about an inch on the ground with more expected tomorrow. Compared to other places, it isnt much but in the south it keeps us inside. We have baked and made forts and watched countless movies.

On Saturday, the road in front of our house was a sheet of ice, but actually quite good for pulling a Jack around on the sled (last February we had a snow of 8 inches and it was fun to out on the golf course to sled).

Daniel and Jack stayed outside until the snow turned to sleet/rain. After taking some photos of them, I took my pregnant self inside and enjoyed our warm fireplace.

I am so grateful that we have a wood stove. It has made a huge difference in keeping our house warm during these cold weeks. It looks like this will be another cold week, but hopefully winter is wrapping up and we will see warmer temperatures soon.

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