baby weight loss in the first week
Has it already been a month since Cedar was born and our journey as a family of 4 began? It doesnt quite seem real yet. Weve been taking this time to get to know our new, wee lad and gather up whatever rest that we can. I am at my worst when I dont get sleep. And the past few nights have FINALLY given me and my little boy the sleep we both were needing. I havent had one full nights sleep since C was born. But, I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel of zs. ;) Friends have been spoiling us with tasty meals, flowers and treats, this past month, which has been the biggest blessing. I thought it was a blessing when we had gifted meals with Kael, but having two munchkins has proved it a little more difficult to find my rhythm in the kitchen again. So, it has been a lifesaver now more than ever. ;) I will say, yesterday I masterfully grocery shopped with both boys without incident and felt pretty proud of myself.
Breastfeeding is going GREAT now and has become a new found love of mine. (I never thought I would be able to actually do it, let alone enjoy it.) It was tricky for the first 3 weeks but now it is just the best thing. (minus of course the fact that I have milk spots on most of my shirts now and am realizing I need a whole new slew of threads to support my boob feeding effort. haha!) Cedar is entering that amazing and magical stage where smiles are frequent and tiny coos and babbles are starting to be what I look forward to every morning. Definitely makes 3 am a more pleasant time when Im greeted with flirty smirks. Im still writing my birth story, its coming soon, I promise. Theres a small sliver of time a day that sometimes allows me to sit down with full attention to the thoughts of my heart and Im trying to take advantage of it whenever I can to write.
Here are a handful of images from the past several days to give you just a tiny peek into our daily world.
Beautiful fall flowers from our friends at church. |
A good day of both boys napping meant my poor kitchen got some attention. |
Mister Kael LOOOOOVES preschool |
My first love and mini heart all the unorganized chaos, he still naps like a champ. |
Is it weird that Ive been looking forward to this moment since I was a little girl---putting my kids preschool artwork up on my walls... Its seriously one of my favorite things EVER!!! Kael proudly points to his masterpieces each time he walks through the hallway.
Clothes pins have a certain level of fascination for Kael, so...we created a little game. My friend Kristina would be proud of me. ;) |
The little pumpkin who makes my heart beat fast. |

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