weight loss during pregnancy morning sickness
We had already had a full morning with our friends at the farmer market, then gourmet doughnut munching, train rides together, coffee sipping , story time at the library and then lunch. All of our kids were fully enjoying their time together. It was a tiring but perfect first half of the day.
During lunch we decided to be a bit daring and go on yet another adventure, skipping naps in order to take the kids to a fairy festival on a nearby plantation. I wasnt totally sure what we would find but, I was mentally prepared for the possibility of an extra melt down or two. It was worth it. As we explored the acres of woods, I felt like I was 8 years old, living in a dream land finding the most amazing fairy houses scattered under various fallen trees, built from bark, moss and twigs. Our kids were in heaven. We were in heaven. Everyone around us was building an organic abode for little sprites and creatures. Its the best thing to my heart to see little kids finding so much joy in nature. The best.
We finished the day as it stretched into early evening, with a make shift camp on the beach, watching our kids sail their handmade fairy boats on the lake. No money was spent, just time. Our hearts were filled up with goodness. The pure joy in watching our kids imaginations go wild was worth stepping outside of my plan, the predictable and the thought out. Spontaneous "yeses," and taking the small risks outside of the routine can sometimes be just what I need.
As I sat there with two of my closest friends, soaking in the perfection of this afternoon, I told myself that this needs to be normal. How have I slipped away from this feeling? I want wonder to be the common that I never get tired of or take for granted. I want to try and make more of an intention and effort to make the ordinary magic for my boys and for my own heart, in the coming weeks and months. I want normal to always have wide eyes of expectation and adventure. Why not?
...There might be a magical fairy, forest people world in my back yard by the end of spring. All are welcome.

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