pregnancy weight loss tumblr
Has a month already passed? It feels like little Isaac has always been with us.

We (meaning me and Daniel) are slowly waking from the fog of having a newborn at our house again. Jack has taken the whole new baby thing in stride. He really loves his little brother though he tells us it hurts his feelings when Isaac cries.

Isaac is our little chubby bunny. At one month he has already gained a whopping 4lbs above his birth weight! His pediatrician wants me to try to stretch out his feedings a bit. Right now he is 10lbs 15oz, 21.5 inches long and has a 40cm head another big headed boy!

He is a sweet little guy who loves sleeping and eating above anything else. He has a couple of times a day when he is wide awake and he loves to stare into the eyes of whoever is holding him. Alternately he likes to stare out the window at the trees. At one month old he will grasp your finger and hold on tightly if you give it to him.

Isaac rarely cries, though when he does you would think something catastrophic has happened. Instead of crying, he grunts. The grunts are pretty funny, especially when he gets really mad and the grunts turn to snorts.

The first time we attempted tummy time, he was so mad he almost rolled over on the couch. He was only 10 days old! I was kind of shocked that he was able to rock up onto one hip.

Also at 10 days old, Isaacs umbilical cord fell off and Daniel gave him his first bath, with Jack supervising of course.

At 2 weeks old, Isaac was big enough to start using cloth diapers. We cant believe how fast he is growing!

As a second child, things have definitely been different for Isaac. Whereas with Jack we were nervous to go anywhere, with Isaac we just keep living our lives as usual...

At 4 days old Isaac went on his first shopping excursion and dinner date to McAlisters with Mommy and Daddy.

At 5 days old he had his first trip to the park so that his big brother could play.

At one week we took him to church for the first time, and then went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant as a family. At this stage eating out is still easy so we are embracing this while we are able!

Last week we were finally on our own, and other than being generally tired, things went really well. I even managed to get both boys ready and out the door for a 10am preschool party for Jack and then today we made it to the pediatrician by 9:30.

I have surprised myself in that I can get two kids ready and to places relatively on time (though to be fair, I dont always get breakfast, but the boys are both fed!).

*As with Jack, I will be posting monthly updates of Isaac on a quilt (inherited from my Grandma), next to a yellow Tonka truck (a toy from Daniels childhood).

A Look Back: Jack at One Month
(We used a quilt from Daniels family for the Jack photos, along wit the Tonka truck from Daniels childhood).

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