weight loss during second pregnancy

Kael only cried for as long as it took me to soothe him. Which, most of the time was instantly. Cedar, bless his loving heart, has probably cried more in his 4 weeks of life than Kael did in his first 6 months. Not because Im neglecting him or letting him cry it out...it just happens as I take care of two. Yeah, I might be exaggerating a little but, it feels that way sometimes.
I dont like letting my babies cry at all. They are babies and thats how they communicate that they need something. If I can soothe them, gosh darn it, Im going to! But, there are so many pockets of time during my day when one kid needs something and I cant calm the other one right at the moment. Yep, my house or my car is full of cries and whines, several times a day. haha. Did I mention mister little bear has a love/hate (more on the hate side) with his carseat? Oh yes. Kael always was silent and content in his... Cedar? Not so much. When I go to pick up Kael from preschool, or drive anywhere actually, its pretty much a car full of crying, the whole way there and back. I cant pull over every 5 minutes to soothe him. When the reality is, even if I did pull over, the only thing that will make my sweet little precious calm down is to be in my arms and I cant do that when Im driving. I have recently found that if I feed him good and long, right before we leave, it kinda drugs him to sleep. haha. Lets give a big gold star for boobies! Just recently hes started to come around to the idea of car rides, but it sure is a slow growing affection.
Slowly but surely, Im finding my rhythm as a momma of 2 little boys, which is completely different than the flow Kael and I had together. Really, Kael is having to adjust just as much as I am now. Just like Cedar, he has to eat, have attention, have diaper changes and countless other things that he requires throughout the day. As much as I would love it, his needs dont always come up at the most opportune times. Sometimes, I just laugh at the ridiculousness of the moment, or...I join in with whichever one is crying...or it might be a cry fest of all 3 of us.
The truth is, when Im 60 years old and my kids are grown and off doing exciting stuff, Im going to long for even just one day that I have right now with them, cries and all. That reality pushes me back to sanity in tired moments. ;)
Aaaaaand, as I wrap up this jumbled post, Cedar is singing the song of his people, by crying quite loudly, as he lets me know that he desires my boob... again! Kaels volume is trying to match that of his brother, also letting me know that he wants more cereal and his sagging diaper is emitting an odor that the army could bottle up and use for torture. haha.
Heres to all the moms of multiples in the world!
PS -
I would love to hear tips and input from other moms out there. What have you found works for you, since youve had two or more in different situations throughout the day? (or night.) I find that gleaning tid bits of success from my friends has helped me so much and I know there are lots of experienced mommas out there.

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