weight loss pills during pregnancy

To say you are the sweetest, most gentle, little souls that Ive loved is to speak my heart.
Motherhood has found me in simple places, the last several months. Ive been embracing my own heart, through loving my sons. Ive been finding myself, while chasing Kael on his favorite walks and discovering my dreams (old and new) by watching Cedar explore his days with fresh eyes.
Lately, life has been full of smiles, kisses, tears, early mornings and late nights, friends, family, bumped heads and warm embraces. Ive had new motivation that usually comes for me with Spring and Summer. There are new things that I am excited about and old things that Im learning to dance with, with grace and hope. I have ideas, projects that Ive been working on, pictures that Ive taken and things that Ive created that are waiting to be shared. There are stories scribbled down, songs written and sung at the kitchen sink, designs Ive tinkered with and new journeys that we have started and are about to begin.
All of those things havent been my driving passion or inspiration during this season, though. Its been the faces of my boys and the heart of my husband that have been my beauty and creative engine. Allowing my heart to explore and soak in this life of mine, without set expectations of my own or others, has been sweet.
All of those things havent been my driving passion or inspiration during this season, though. Its been the faces of my boys and the heart of my husband that have been my beauty and creative engine. Allowing my heart to explore and soak in this life of mine, without set expectations of my own or others, has been sweet.
Finding the balance and that fulfilling place of being a mother and an artist, has been a continual growing and learning experience for me. As an artist, Ive always wanted to do more, reach deeper with that discontented desire for originality. Right now, my heart feels good, settled in my title of "momma," fulfilled with a healthy desire to create more.
My home is my center. My family is my home and Im learning in every moment of every day how to create a living art, by loving them.
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