pregnancy weight loss quotes

Chattanooga Zoo

Creative Discovery Musuem

Chester Frost Lake

The Pumpkin Patch

Hidden Hills Farm Tractor Day

Chattanooga Aquarium
Jack recently convinced Daniel that they should take his powerwheels car and our four wheeler to the park across the street so that they could "play tag." This involves chasing each other with the vehicles. The goal is to get close and yell "youre it" and then the other person becomes the chaser.

Neighborhood Bike Ride
Tag, youre it.
Another new game that is a favorite at our house is walkie talkies. We had a set from years ago and Daniel busted them out and recently showed Jack how they work. We play a form of hide-and-seek in the house that involves Jack hiding and us guessing where he is over the walkie talkies. I actually love this game because I dont have to physically go look for him. Also it is fun to give him orders over the walkie talkies and he tries to do the things we say.
This week is Jacks Fall Break and while I had dreams of doing a lot of outdoor activities, the weather has not been cooperating. Instead we are enjoying having Daniel at home and getting some things accomplished around the house.

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