unexpected weight loss during pregnancy | 37 Weeks

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2016


unexpected weight loss during pregnancy

My favorite mini man in: gap jeans I found on sale for $10, gap sandals and an H&M tiger shirt hand-me-down

Sam snapped a couple of quick pictures of my bump bod while we were at the park. Park day clothes : $6 black jersey mini skirt from forever 21, a knit vest my mom got me years ago,  grey shirt/dress from wet seal I found 4 years ago, leather sandals from one of my trips to Israel. 
So, 3-5 weeks left until I hold our new little sunshine. This pregnancy has been pretty easy and it hasnt been until the last few weeks that Ive started to feel the "Im over being pregnant" feeling. For the most part, I like being pregnant. (Minus the throwing up and the aches.)  Chasing around, and enjoying all the new stages of a toddler have made it a bit more taxing on my energy levels, to say the least. I was talking to my midwife about how my workout routine has been next to zilch. Other than a walk in the park here and there, a handful of squats and my vitamin smoothies, workout life has missed me. With Kael, I biked 10 miles several times a week well into my 3rd trimester, did weight training and walked my butt off. Not this go round. But, when I break my days down, I conclude that I get an all over body workout pretty much everyday. Cleaning, picking up, playing with and chasing after my little man gives me the calorie burn I need. haha.

This pregnancy has zoomed by, seriously. Its been like a blink. Its just really hit me in the past week or so that we are actually going to have another little personality in the house. Getting so distracted by daily life, I think Ive just become used to being pregnant and forgotten what the end of pregnancy means. BABY TIME! :) Sam and I are ready for a newborn to be in the house again. Im so looking forward to it. Aaaaaaand, at this point, Im ready to stop waddling. ;)

Here are a handful of differences comparing this pregnancy with Kaels:

* Im 20 pounds lighter than I was with Forest Kael.

* Im tanner (thank you mr. pool).

* Im way less stressed.

* No new stretch marks (The old ones are still there but barely visible, again thank you to mr. sun.).

* A bit more tired (Ok, a lot more tired now. haha).

* No swelling whatsoever this time!

* Way less junk food. (Only 2 milkshakes compared to literally countless with Kael.).

* Naming this little munchkin has been taking quite a bit longer, but I think weve almost narrowed it down.

* I pee way less with this pregnancy, but am drinking more water? Who knows...

* My tummy is carrying this little boy lower and tighter.

* Im way more sleepy (second time mom syndrome).

I kinda have a feeling that I might go late with this little tug boat, but well see. Im happy either way. I know what its like to be late so Im not freaking out. It might be kinda nice to have the extra time to get the last loose ends around the house all organized and just so. But, then again, Id really like to get this baby in my arms asap and say cheers to the end of a race and to one heck of a party to celebrate! (Lauren, Im thinking the champagne is a dang perfect idea.) ;)

A little bit of recent happenings, Ive been doing serious bulk production of my Charlie & Nell dollies and getting ready to add a ton of stock to my store! More updates on that very soon!

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