weight loss during second pregnancy | More Crying

Kamis, 21 April 2016

weight loss during second pregnancy

"Theres gonna be more crying..." A friend of mine that just had her second baby, weeks before me, forewarned me when I asked how her "Mom of 2-ness" was going so far. I jotted the note down somewhere in the back of my already full "momma brain." But, boy did it come back around to the "front row seat" of my memory, a week or two after Cedar joined us at home.

Kael only cried for as long as it took me to soothe him. Which, most of the time was instantly. Cedar, bless his loving heart, has probably cried more in his 4 weeks of life than Kael did in his first 6 months. Not because Im neglecting him or letting him cry it out...it just happens as I take care of two. Yeah, I might be exaggerating a little but, it feels that way sometimes.

I dont like letting my babies cry at all. They are babies and thats how they communicate that they need something. If I can soothe them, gosh darn it, Im going to! But, there are so many pockets of time during my day when one kid needs something and I cant calm the other one right at the moment. Yep, my house or my car is full of cries and whines, several times a day. haha. Did I mention mister little bear has a love/hate (more on the hate side) with his carseat?  Oh yes. Kael always was silent and content in his... Cedar? Not so much. When I go to pick up Kael from preschool, or drive anywhere actually, its pretty much a car full of crying, the whole way there and back. I cant pull over every 5 minutes to soothe him. When the reality is, even if I did pull over, the only thing that will make my sweet little precious calm down is to be in my arms and I cant do that when Im driving. I have recently found that if I feed him good and long, right before we leave, it kinda drugs him to sleep. haha. Lets give a big gold star for boobies! Just recently hes started to come around to the idea of car rides, but it sure is a slow growing affection.

Slowly but surely, Im finding my rhythm as a momma of 2 little boys, which is completely different than the flow Kael and I had together. Really, Kael is having to adjust just as much as I am now. Just like Cedar, he has to eat, have attention, have diaper changes and countless other things that he requires throughout the day.  As much as I would love it, his needs dont always come up at the most opportune times.  Sometimes, I just laugh at the ridiculousness of the moment, or...I join in with whichever one is crying...or it might be a cry fest of all 3 of us.

The truth is, when Im 60 years old and my kids are grown and off doing exciting stuff, Im going to long for even just one day that I have right now with them, cries and all. That reality pushes me back to sanity in tired moments. ;)

Aaaaaand, as I wrap up this jumbled post, Cedar is singing the song of his people, by crying quite loudly, as he lets me know that he desires my boob... again! Kaels volume is trying to match that of his brother, also letting me know that he wants more cereal and his sagging diaper is emitting an odor that the army could bottle up and use for torture. haha.

Heres to all the moms of multiples in the world!


PS -
I would love to hear tips and input from other moms out there. What have you found works for you, since youve had two or more in different situations throughout the day? (or night.) I find that gleaning tid bits of success from my friends has helped me so much and I know there are lots of experienced mommas out there.  

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weight loss early pregnancy sign | Ultimate Workout Playlist 60 Songs

weight loss early pregnancy sign

Im a huge proponent of using music in your workouts to help get you going.  Even on my most low energy, depressed days, when Im literally dragging myself to the gym or park with a head full of self-talk like, "Just WALK for 15 minutes- you dont have to run or lift weights." If, when I get there, I put my ipod on, after a few minutes, I cant help but start running or working out harder.  Like music magic.

Lyrics, tempo, beat, and rhythm get me in the mood to work out.  I like booty-shakin music, R&B, Christian Pop, and a little rock-n-roll.  Below are the top 60 songs currently on my "Work Out" Playlist.

To get me moving or start the workout I love to hear "Good Morning" by Mandisa & Toby Mac.

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When its time to lift heavy weights on squats, "Sober" by Pink is great because its a little slower (which is how I like to do squats, and I feel like it makes me dig deep).

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In the groove and feeling good?

"Starships" by Nicki Minaj

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"Only Girl in the World" by Rihanna

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"Raise Your Glass" by Pink

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"S&M" by Rihanna

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"Life in the Fast Lane" by The Eagles

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"Lose Yourself" by Eminem

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"I Gotta Feeling" by The Black Eyed Peas

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If youre working out some emotional stuff, going through a heartbreak, or life is just generally shitty, here are a few songs to give you some encouragement.

"Stronger" by Kelly Clarkson

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 "Fighter" by Christina Aguilera

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"Perfect" by Pink

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"Overcomer" by Mandisa (I added the lyrics to the whole song because its so perfect.)

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Ready to cool down and stretch?  "You & I" by Lada GaGa starts with a great slower tempo.

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"Where is the Love" by Black Eyed Peas

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Lets share.  What are your favorite songs to workout to?  

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If youd like to enter to win a trip for 4 from Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water to Universal Studios Hollywood or Universal Orlando Resort, click HERE or the picture below.  

They are also giving away a YEAR supply of Nestlé® Pure Life® Purified Water!

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pregnancy weight loss calculator | How to Get in Shape 5 Step Plan

pregnancy weight loss calculator

Ive been ruminating on this post for awhile.  Now that I have the experience of training for and competing in an NPC bikini contest behind me, Ive been on my own to try to maintain the body I built in those six months.  I made significant progress, going from about 25% body fat and 115 pounds to probably 15% body fat (Im not 100% sure on that number because we stopped measuring at 17 or 19%.  I was supposed to get my body fat tested at the Bod Pod, but they cancelled because the machine wasnt working), and I competed at 100 pounds.

Although I wasnt grossly out of shape at the beginning of my competition prep, I was surprised at just how hard I had to work and for how long.  The changes dont come easy, but they do come.  You can count on that if youre doing the exercise and eating properly.  So, Ive been reflecting on exactly HOW I made those changes and how I stuck to it for so long and I realized five key things about how to get in shape. 

1.  Decide that you are going to make a change.  First and foremost, you have to commit to not only wanting to make a change, but that you are actually going to make that change.  For me, a big motivator was knowing I did not want to end up in July 2014, where I was in July 2013.  I wanted to be in great shape and not feeling bad about myself.  So, the new year of 2014 marked the beginning of implementing those changes.  I knew if I started in January, Id have significant results by July.  If you set a goal (a family or high school reunion, a birthday, anniversary, vacation, or bikini contest) and back the time out so you can work towards it, keeping that goal in mind will help keep you committed and focused.  Our minds and spirit are very powerful.  When my body would tell me it didnt want to work out or eat another piece of fish, I just treated it like a child that doesnt get to tell me what to do. It didnt know best since I had already decided months ago what I wanted to achieve. Instead, I did what I knew I needed to do to get me to the goal I set.  In those "weak" moments, listen to your "higher self", the one that already made the decision to get in shape and create a new life. 

2.  Fit your day around your workout instead of trying to fit your workout into your day.   The last couple of weeks I have fallen off of the workout train and I just couldnt seem to get it to fit into my day.  Im home with my son for the summer and I wanted to spend those days with him, so hes not going to camp.  I used to workout first thing in the morning, but now, our mornings are lazy, and were chilling out in pjs watching cartoons (him) and drinking coffee (me) well past 10:00 a.m.  And then I need to be fueled up for a strong workout, so I figure, we need to wait until after lunch to head to the gym.  But, after lunch finds us heading to swim class or running errands or just not feeling like breaking up the day with a workout, so I tell myself, "Ill go when my husband gets home." But, then its time to make dinner and eat, and then get my son ready for bed and it gets late, so I say, "Ill just go tomorrow. . . . "  Sound familiar?? 

If you continue like that, youll never make it to the gym, or you will, but your efforts will be sporadic and you wont get the results you want.  You must decide in advance when you will workout (whether its at 5:30 a.m. to Insanity home videos like my friend Angela) or at lunch, or after work, or after the kids are in bed.  Then, you decide how to fit your day around your workout.  Yes, it requires planning.   Yes, some other things you might have to say no to.  But, once you get into your routine, it just becomes part of your day.  I did best to actually schedule my entire day on paper so I could visually see how my day would fit around my workout and meal plan since I ate five meals a day.  The RED indicates cardio and training sessions and the pencil circle marks indicate when I needed to eat.  I had to prep meals in advance and often eat in the car or at my sons swim lessons, etc. 

3.  Consider hiring a trainer or finding a workout partner.  A trainer isnt absolutely necessary, but if you need that person to keep you accountable to your workouts, its worth it.  You could have a friend as your accountability partner, just make sure she is reliable and wont flake on you.  You need someone tough who will keep their appointments and also, not just chat with you during the workout.  You should be making the most of your time in the gym,  working those muscles, huffing and puffing, and sweating!  

If you arent familiar with the machines, or a beginner when it comes to lifting weights, it is a good idea to use an experienced trainer so you dont get hurt.  Ive had good and not-so-good trainers in the past, but John Sherman and Monica Isles were the best.  I saw the best results with John though, because I worked out more often with him and because I followed his meal plan.  Which leads me to the next point. 

4.  Working out consistently will cause you to eat better.  Working out will only get you so far in changing your physique.  You have to eat better too.  Something about having physically worked out so hard and sweating and hurting will make you say, "That piece of cake or pizza just isnt worth it."  You start to understand how eating those extra calories and fat will translate into that much more work to get it off and you dont want it!  That is why I kept finding myself saying, "The diet isnt that hard."  Or at least not as hard as I thought it would be.  Youll look forward to (and enjoy more) the "cheat" meals on the weekend.  You can go HERE to see my bikini contest meal plan. 

5.  Once you start, small changes will keep you motivated, just stick with it!  My trainer casually remarked to me when we first started working out together, "Youre gonna like your body way before the competition."  I didnt give it too much thought at the time, but man was he right!  Although, it took a long time to get to "bikini contest" ready, I felt great in my skin long before that.  Your clothes will start fitting better, your face will change, you skin will be brighter, your energy will be higher, you will have more confidence and inner strength and that feels so good.  I started noticing changes in my body within just two weeks of working out and eating better, but the changes kept coming as long as I stuck with it.   In time, you WILL reach your goal.

If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments and I may use them in a future post.  Have a great weekend!

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weight loss with pregnancy hormone injections | 15

Rabu, 20 April 2016

weight loss with pregnancy hormone injections

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to have a girly medical procedure.  The last time I had this procedure was 2000.  In fact I had two that year: one 7 weeks after losing Solomon and the second for my blighted ovum.

For the 2000 events, I remember bargaining with God, please let my body heal, please let me get pregnant and have a living baby.  This time around, I was bargaining to let me live.  I get very paranoid and have fatalistic thoughts whenever I am anaesthetized.  Now it takes the form of how will my family go on without me?  Im not that narcissistic to believe they would be incapable.  I just get so saddened at thoughts of what I would miss if I werent here to be with them.

Obviously things went well as deep in my heart I knew they would.  Still, lingering thoughts about the trajectory of my life.

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pregnancy weight loss program | Isaacs Introduction to Food

pregnancy weight loss program

At the 6 month mark, we decided it was time to introduce Isaac to solids. Like his big brother, we are following a baby led weaning approach, though we are flexible with how it goes.

This phase of food is really just introductory and exploratory. We want him to get a general idea of eating. As of now, he mostly pushes the food around on his tray.

Like Jack, his first food was avocado. I think Jack was the one who was the most excited about this new phase of babyhood. He wanted so badly for Isaac to eat what was on his tray. It was a really sweet moment.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have offered soft cooked carrots, baby oatmeal, the crust from a sandwich, and really soft cornbread

He must be a carb lover because he loved the oatmeal and cornbread. We had trouble getting the spoon loaded fast enough for him to shovel the oatmeal into his mouth.

We didnt start Jack on food until 7 months and at 6 months Isaac doesnt seem to have the same degree of coordination that Jack did. It will be interesting to watch as his fine motor skills progress. 

Milk from mama will continue to be his main source of nutrition as we move forward with food in the coming weeks and months. Im sure he will be a lover of food in no time.

I do want to note that his Aunt Angela let him have a lemon last month when we were in Florida (5 months old). It is always funny to watch babys have their first exposure to lemons – thanks Angela!

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pregnancy weight loss immediately after delivery | 7 Ways Im Staying Sane During a Pregnancy After Loss

pregnancy weight loss immediately after delivery

You know how I wrote this post about how Im feeling a million times better? Well, apparently that was just a momentary lull, because the depression and anxiety are back and just as bad as before. So, theres that. But, Im surviving and Im working really hard to take care of myself, address these issues head on, and cope with them in healthy ways. Here are a few things Im doing to that end:

1. Shopping. Ok, the title on this one makes it sound like Im heading out every day for some retail therapy with credit card in hand and thats totally inaccurate. True to my cheap thrifty self, Im scouring Craigs List and garage sales and consignment sales and reading all the baby deal blogs to get the best prices on the baby items. And since we got rid of most of our baby stuff, I do have a substantial number of things that I need to get, though Im going to be much more minimalistic about baby this time. I know its still early and we have plenty of time to get what we need but shopping early 1) gives me plenty of time to find the things we need at a great price and, more importantly, 2) gives me something to do for my baby.

Ive had a very, very hard time connecting to the baby this time. Partly, Im sure, as a defense mechanism in case we lose this baby too. (The chances for a living baby at this point are great, but there is still that doubt, you know?) Part of it though is because Im still grieving the babies we lost and its very hard to celebrate this baby at the same time, especially since this baby only exists because they died. Im really hoping this will get better since we finally passed our last due date. In the meantime, while I cant seem to emotionally connect with baby, Im doing what I can do for the baby.

2. Laundry. Ive been washing baby clothes, blankets, and accessories and putting them in drawers. Ive also been cleaning out and rearranging Lucias closet so there is room for neatly folded newborn items. With about three months to go, its really early have drawers already filled with clean, folded baby clothes but again, I need to feel like Im doing something for baby. I also think its helpful for me to be surrounded by visible changes that a baby is coming - drawers filled with tiny onesies and cloth diapers, the crib set up, etc. Despite being visibly pregnant now and constantly feeling the baby kick, its still very hard for me to visualize having a baby in a few short months. It just doesnt seem possible that well have a living child and be able to bring him/her home. So making the house look like there will be a baby here soon makes it seem a little more conceivable.

3. Staying busy. This is so, so important for me. When my body is busy moving, my mind doesnt have too much time to wander. And thankfully, there is a TON to do, so its not hard to find ways to keep busy. Im still working on getting settled into my parents house, organizing and decorating our rooms so we feel at home, and doing other projects around the house to make it more comfortable. With three full time working adults in the home, Ive been taking over most of the day to day housekeeping, which really does pile up with that many adults - there is especially an absurd amount of dishes to do every day. Lucia and I have also been taking walks every day to play at the playground at the school in the neighborhood and weve started going to story time at the library and finding other free summer activities to do. If I collapse into bed exhausted at night, I fall asleep quicker and dont have time to dwell on irrational fears. Plus, the feeling of accomplishment when I see everything thats been done has been wonderful for my self-esteem.

4. Taking care of myself. Eating healthy, exercising, chiropractic care, taking baths, resting when Im tired, etc. When I take a little time to care for myself and physically feel well, I feel a lot better mentally as well.  This pregnancy has been more more physically trying than my first and, while its all within the range of "normal" pregnancy symptoms, the increased tiredness and aches and pains do increase my worries.

My pregnancy with Lucia was textbook perfect and, other than morning sickness in the first trimester and heartburn in the third, I felt amazing the whole time. Feeling physically well certainly helped to assure me that my body was made for this and that trust that my body knew what it was doing made for a very worry-free nine months. After four miscarriages, my belief that my body knows what its doing and can adequately protect and nourish my child in the womb is pretty well gone. Add to that the increased symptoms, discomfort, and outright pain of this pregnancy, and the thought that maybe my bodys too broken to bring any more child to term emerges. So, when I take the time to adequately address my symptoms and I start feeling better, I also start feeling a lot more confident and the ( very irrational but ever-present) fears of preterm labor are pushed a little further back in my bind.

5. Researching. Reading about miscarriage, pregnancy after loss, depression during pregnancy, my chances for having a healthy full-term pregnancy, survival rate if my baby was born right now, etc.  have been really helpful to me. I know this isnt the case for everyone, but for me, being knowledgeable and feeling informed about the situations I find myself in is empowering. Its probably not at all obvious by the content of this blog since I tend to write about feelings and emotions and then some more feelings, but Im actual much more of a logical than an emotional person. Facts appeal to me, even if they arent exactly comforting. Knowing what Im facing takes much of the mystery out of the battle, so reading articles and books chock full of research findings has a calming effect on me.

6. Reading. Im not just reading research articles, but also just reading for fun. Books are my favorite escape and sometimes I just need that down time.  A few of my recent favorites include this modern classic, this farming memoir (a surprising page turner!), and Im currently enjoying this quirky romance.

7. Relying on the prayers of others. Id love to say one of the ways Im coping is through prayer, but Ive found it to be super difficult to pray during this pregnancy. I force myself to pray anyway but there just isnt a lot of comfort there. I dont feel like my relationship with God has changed much through my experiences with miscarriage - I dont blame Him, I am not angry with Him, but at the same time, I dont think Im closer to Him or rely on him more - but Ive really struggled with my understanding of prayer.

I have a hard time understanding why we pray for specific petitions. (Surely God knows what we need better than we anyway so why bother asking for what we want with our very limited knowledge and eternal understanding?). After praying four times that our baby would live and then then having them die anyway, I dont really understand why this would be any different - why would God answer this prayer now but not the last four times? I know that the death of our children werent Gods doing, but simple biology - something was wrong with my body - so it seems like this baby will live or die based on biology too. Certainly God can change an outcome, but I believe He rarely intervenes in the natural world (thats why when he does, it is called a miracle, something very out of the ordinary). Why would He suddenly intervene for me in this matter? (Not looking for answers here, just sharing some of my thought process.)

Prayer has been a struggle for me and not much of a comfort. But I take a lot of comfort from the prayers of others. I do believe that prayer is powerful even if I do not currently understand how or why and while my belief in prayer is a bit shaky, I am leaning on the strong belief of others around me that their prayers for me, my baby, and my family are reaching the ears of a loving Father. When my own prayers seem weak and ineffective, Im letting the prayers of others lift me up.

Linking up to Kelly for 7 Quick Takes, even though most werent really quick.

Image source: Bies, Flickr

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weight loss early pregnancy no sickness | Time to Get Movin Again Cardio Bike Riding

weight loss early pregnancy no sickness

Whenever Ive let exercise slip to the back burner, when I start back up, I like to add in several sessions of hard cardio to get my heart pumping again.  This week, Ive been doing 50 minutes at a time in the gym: 20 minutes on the treadmill at level 4 (a brisk walk), then 30 minutes on the stair climber at level 60-70.  I make sure to bring my ipod or a magazine to keep me company for that amount of time.  I also cover the clock on the machine so Im not aware of how slowly the time passes and just check periodically.  It feels so great when youre done and in the following days as you can feel your body responding, getting lighter and stronger.

Last week, my 3 year-old son got a bigger bike with training wheels, which prompted me to bust out my bike. I havent ridden in years!  But as soon as I got back on, I remembered how much I like it.  Now, I want to ride my bike everyday.

Not to mention, its great exercise and always a good idea to get out of your exercise rut and try something new.  I put my gears on a hard setting that makes me work for each pedal and then ride around the neighborhood.  Im a little scared to try the bike trails in our park for fear of getting run over by the more experienced, fast riders.  Bike riding can be challenging, but its mostly fun and a great way to get exercise outside of the gym! 

Have a great weekend!  Take care of YOU!

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pregnancy hormone weight loss drug | Small Catholic Family

pregnancy hormone weight loss drug

The other day while searching "small Catholic family" in hopes of finding some encouragement or advice about raising a small Catholic family, I came across The Catholic Family Handbook, written by Rev. George A. Kelly in 1959. The entire text is available online for free here. (I havent read it in its entirety so I cant vouch for its content.)

Here were a few snippets from the book that brought me some comfort so I thought Id share in case they brought comfort to others too:

"Although the first purpose of marriage is the procreation of children, Catholic couples will not necessarily have offspring. There may be many reasons why they cannot have babies or why they are limited to one or two. Some wives have difficulty in carrying a fetus to full term and have many miscarriages. Sometimes the husband or wife may be sterile-- unable to do his or her part in conceiving a new life. There may be mental, eugenical, economic or social reasons which make it justifiable to practice the rhythm method. The fact that a Catholic couple has no children, therefore, is no reason for concluding that they are guilty of any moral lapse."
"Considerations for parents of small families. If you have but one or two children, you should try to create for them opportunities such as exist in larger families to develop their characters. In particular, you should discourage selfish tendencies--a natural hazard in the small family. Since you can concentrate all your attention upon your child, you may tend to worry about him to a greater extent and to bow to his whims more often than do parents of a large family. There is a natural danger, therefore, that he will become accustomed to having his own way and will not recognize that others have desires which should be accommodated too. 

In training an only child, it may help you to remember that self-denial is the virtue from which other virtues spring. You should therefore strongly resist the tendency to do everything for him and not permit him to want for anything. So that he may learn to get along with others, encourage him to cultivate friends. Invite them to your home where he will be the host and thus must exert himself to please them. 

Finally, give him the freedom to develop in his own way. You must control the impulse to worry unduly about every ailment, to stand guard over him at play, to check up constantly on his teachers to make sure that they are doing their job right. Such actions would betray a tendency to interfere abnormally in your childs affairs. Unless you avoid them you may find yourself ultimately trying to dictate where he should work and whom he should marry, and you will make it difficult for him ever to make decisions for himself."

It was incredibly affirming to me to see these included in a Catholic book for families...from 1959! I would love to see more resources for Catholic parents of small families - both in terms of spiritual encouragement and practical advice. Maybe there are resources like that out there already and I just dont know about them yet? 

a small faithful family indeed

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during pregnancy weight loss plan | Its My Favorite

during pregnancy weight loss plan

"Its My Favorite" 
a new mini series of sweet moments 

Holding hands with Kael is my favorite. He will get a burst of energy and run ahead. In his minds eye, hes chasing a tiger or flying like Buzz Lightyear. But then, he will  stop in his tracks and reach out with a huge grin on his face (his grin slays me)  and asks to hold my hand. It never gets old. All of a sudden, time slows down and I can feel every part of myself soaking up the precious feelings of trust and tenderness. Watching my 2.5 year old toddler turn into a little boy has been the most amazing chapter of life that Samuel and I have experienced, so far. Last night, Samuel walked into the kitchen with tears in his eyes, after tucking in our  little Forest friend and said, "Gosh I love our sons, Jess... Kael, hes just so sweet." More tears well up in his eyes, with a smile that leaves my heart in a puddle. Those are the moments I live for. There are days of whining, frustration and tears, of course. But, I am overwhelmed with tidal waves of love and awe, as I watch this boy of ours lavish sweetness and the most sincere affection on our hearts.

 Kael, you can hold my hand forever.


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weight loss during pregnancy gender | Workout at Home Fitness DVDs

Selasa, 19 April 2016

weight loss during pregnancy gender

Although I prefer to workout at the gym or go for a jog in the park, I know many people like to work out at home or have no other option.  When I announced I was starting a fitness blog on Honey Were Home, lots of you wrote in and told me about your at-home workouts that you enjoyed and saw results with.

Since I havent done any fitness DVDs, I cant give a personal review, but I was hoping that you could share in the comments section what DVDs you like and what you had good experiences with.  I think other people could benefit from your knowledge.

Please share!

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6 week pregnancy weight loss program | Volunteer Photographers sought

6 week pregnancy weight loss program

If youre a photographer, please consider volunteering.  For so many of us, all we have are photos.  All I have are photos taken by a nurse.  I didnt get to see or hold Solomon.


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baby losing weight with breastfeeding | Another

baby losing weight with breastfeeding

Eric shared an email with me just the other day.  An older couple from our Temple wrote to the Executive Board about the loss of their grand-daughter at 34 weeks.  They knew the child would not live earlier in their daughters pregnancy.

As I read the email, I could feel another piece of my heart breaking off and drifting away - for their pain and suffering, and for mine.  The odd thing is, I was also feeling envious.  Solomon did not make it to 34 weeks and I did not get to have him in any physical way outside my body.  My thoughts were how lucky this family was to be able to see this child and to hold this child while I was not able to.

In the end a loss is a loss and hopefully Eric and I will be able to offer support when needed.

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post pregnancy weight loss tips | Letting Go

post pregnancy weight loss tips

Yesterday at the playground, Jack took a leap. Literally. Right off of a 4+foot play structure. I missed it the first time. Another mom and I were chatting and she said, "I think Jack just jumped off the play equipment." But she wasnt 100% sure. I looked over and thought aloud that he was normally cautious and must have just lowered himself.

We returned to our conversation and a few minutes passed when the other mom said, "He definitely just jumped." So I turned to fully watch and see what he would do. He proceeded to climb up the ladder, stand on the edge and fling himself at the ground. 

I wasnt really sure what my response should be. The ground is mulch and he could obviously make the jump, but the mom in me sees the potential disaster – a cracked head, a broken bone, or the like. I thought about the jumps I have made as I got older – first off of rocks and from trees, then eventually off of the roofs of houses and from cliffs and bridges into bodies of water. 

So I went and talked to Jack about the importance of jumping forward and only if there was mulch at the bottom. It was a moment of letting go. One of many that we will come across in the years to come Im sure. Parenting is hard. You want to hold on tight while simultaneously knowing you have to let go.

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weight loss pills during pregnancy | Artist Mother

weight loss pills during pregnancy

To say you are the sweetest, most gentle, little souls that Ive loved is to speak my heart. 

Motherhood has found me in simple places, the last several months. Ive been embracing my own heart, through loving my sons. Ive been finding myself, while chasing Kael on his favorite walks and discovering my dreams (old and new) by watching Cedar explore his days with fresh eyes.  

Lately, life has been full of smiles, kisses, tears, early mornings and late nights, friends, family, bumped heads and warm embraces. Ive had new motivation that usually comes for me with Spring and Summer. There are new things that I am excited about and old things that Im learning to dance with, with grace and hope. I have ideas, projects that Ive been working on, pictures that Ive taken and things that Ive created that are waiting to be shared. There are stories scribbled down, songs written and sung at the kitchen sink,  designs Ive tinkered with and new journeys that we have started and are about to begin.

All of those things havent been my driving passion or inspiration during this season, though. Its been the faces of my boys and the heart of my husband that have been my beauty and creative engine. Allowing my heart to explore and soak in this life of mine, without set expectations of my own or others, has been sweet. 

Finding the balance and that fulfilling place of being a mother and an artist, has been a continual growing and learning experience for me. As an artist, Ive always wanted to do more, reach deeper with that discontented desire for originality. Right now, my heart feels good, settled in my title of "momma," fulfilled with a healthy desire to create more. 

My home is my center. My family is my home and Im learning in every moment of every day how to create a living art, by loving them. 


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