baby weight loss first week after birth
I thought for sure making a sweet fruit smoothie with some spinach thrown in would be a certain way to get my 3 year-old to eat some veggies. No way. One taste and he spit it right out all over my cowhide rug. Thankfully, it wiped off just fine.

I used a big handful of spinach and about a cup of frozen fruit with 1/2 cup of water. It tasted fine at that point, but a little bland. Because it was intended for James, I sweetened it with one of his toddler yogurts and a tablespoon of honey.

It was yummy, but he didnt like it. I drank it all and will make it again. For myself.

In the future, I think Id add protein powder or greek yogurt for added protein.

Do you or your kids like spinach smoothies? How do you make yours?
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