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Yesterday was an update about Isaac, today is a long overdue post on the things Jack says to us. His words are bolded.

I built a booby trap to catch bad guys. [he made a fort out of boxes that intentionally collapsed if you crawled under it]
Ive got some al-a-gee [algae].

I tried to convince Jack that brushing my hair while I closed my eyes was a good game to play. He told me that wasnt a real game.

Do you want to see something really cool? [as he cuts pancakes with a plastic fork and knife] The fork keeps it stable.

Whys it [the TV] not internet-ing?

Rachel [college friend]: Can I have some of your energy?
Jack: No you have to eat your food and sleep to get your own energy.

Superman Prayer
Thank you God food.
Thank you God for giving us friends.
For the food we eat, for the friends we meet.
Thank you God for everything.
Aw-man. [refuses to say "Amen" always says "aw-man"]

Jack: Youre ice, Im lightning and daddy is fire. [Ninjago reference]
Me: Which ninja is Isaac?
Jack: Hes the green ninja.
[fitting since the other ninjas are responsible for protecting the green ninja]

Jack: Look, that new signs says "Walmart".
Us: How did you know that?
Jack: I read the sign... [evidently he already understands logos/branding]

Im playing in my fortress [tent fort].

My food is powering me up. I have a generator on the inside.

Jack: Can I take a bath? [bedtime on his birthday party day]
Me: No.
Jack: I want everyone to go home now. So I can take a bath.

I wanted this my whole life... whats inside inside?

Jack: I have a secret lab somewhere.
Me: Where is it?
J: I dont remember, but I know what it looks like.

Im designing something cool. Its a surprise... Its a model. Heres what he looks like.

Im an expert at making stuff.

When are kids going to teach the class? I know lots of stuff.

A very upset Jack: I think I waited too long in the bathroom and now its dark time. [dang daylight savings!]

Jack: Mommy, I smell something yummy!
Me: Its onions.
Jack: What?!???
Me: Theyre cooking in butter.
Jack: Oh, I love butter... [he hates onions]

I can do buttons, Im very capable.

Jack: What is patience?
Daniel: Its the stuff Im out of...

You get what you get and you dont pitch a fit [he likes to share bits of wisdom that he learns at preschool].

I want to be a teacher... a preschool teacher, a church teacher, and a Y teacher. All of those.

Im an expert at making something out of recycling.

Jack: Let me see the constructions [instructions for Legos].
[brief pause]
Daniel: Jack you have it right, do you want me to push it together for you?
Jack: Let me focus for just a minute.

Im out of focusing patience.

New-sagna [lasagna]

Im going to the next location [vacation].

Late one night, Isaac is upstairs fussing and Jack is downstairs eating a snack. "He could be sad because Im not up there."
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