after pregnancy weight loss tips | Baby Update 37 Weeks Just Live Your Life

Senin, 29 Februari 2016

after pregnancy weight loss tips

One of the things I like about my OB is that she advocates living your life to the best of your ability, regardless of what may be going on with your body. It was advice she gave me while I was waiting to miscarry and it is something she reminds me of when I express fears over the risks of this pregnancy.

As someone who likes to be in control, the reminder that I cant prevent things from happening any more than I can force things to happen, helps me with my day-to-day living.

 Baby #2, 37 Weeks

Comparison: 37 Weeks Pregnant with Jack

As far as my weekly appointment, things are still looking good. My amniotic fluid is back up to 25cm (which is back in the risk category). The ultrasound tech said that the fluid regenerates every 3 days and it seems like my fluid is just going to hover between 23cm and 27cm. Our baby is still head down, but has not dropped at all and I am dilated to 1cm (with Jack I never dilated until my water broke at 40 weeks). I am anxious to see how things progress in the coming weeks.

In terms of living my life, workouts at the Y keep me sane. I think some people are getting nervous that I continue to show up, while others are happy to see me, knowing that if I am there labor hasnt started yet. With Jack I did kickboxing the day I went into labor and I hope to be able to continue to workout up until the time this baby makes an appearance.

My most uncomfortable symptom right now is swelling. Im just glad it is warm enough to wear Chacos again – my feet are especially thankful. Second to the swelling is the fact that the babys feet are lodged up under my ribs. This can cause some significant pain when he/she starts moving around and kicking.

This week I also swapped to 2 Heparin shots a day. The girl at the pharmacy was appalled when she gave me my meds. She must not have been taught privacy rules because she asked all kinds of questions about the twice-a-day shots. Ill just be glad when I can stop giving myself shots.

I finally got into gear and packed a bag for myself and one for Jack, for a procrastinator like me that is a big deal. Now we just continue to wait.

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metformin weight loss during pregnancy | Arrow Ornament DIY

metformin weight loss during pregnancy

These arrows are really sweet and magical. The color combinations are endless and it really is my favorite craft of the year. Even if you think youre not a crafty person, you can make one of these and feel quiet accomplished afterwards.

This is a great project to do with a group of friends or family, parties or get togethers.  I have made these with several groups and every single time, every person is glowing and having the best time, enjoying their new little treasure, regardless of how they view their own artistic abilities.   How sweet would it be to make these Christmas eve with your nearest and dearest?  Im using them as trimmings for gifts and ornaments this holiday season.   You can make them full sized with wooden dowels or you can snap them in half to make mini arrow ornaments for your tree. We made these full sized for a best friends baby shower and she turned them into a mobile for her little girl! So many fun inspirations! 


wooden dowels
paint, paint brush
washi tape or narrow duct tape
feathers or felt cut into feather shapes
glitter card stock paper for the arrowhead 
hot glue gun

Merry Christmas friends! 

Thanks to my sweet husband, Samuel for making these DIY videos for me!
Music by: Amina
(They are offering free song downloads counting down for Christmas! )

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weight loss pregnancy diet menu | Boho Home Pop of Color

weight loss pregnancy diet menu

My home, for the most part, has a very light, airy and rustic feel. Lately, Ive been craving subtle pops of color. I love simplicity and dont want my peaceful spaces to become cluttered and busy with too many patterns (which is VERY easy for me to do). My living room used to be crammed full of vintage nick knacs, antique books, rich, deep colors and old instruments. I LOVED it that way, but when Káel started to crawl, I decided to change it up, lighten my color palette and simplify. Now, almost 2 years later, I want to compromise and bring a touch of texture and splash of bold color in. Ive been gathering inspiration and trying to form some sort of clear direction so that I can start collecting pieces to satisfy my crazy boho soul. 

I have a huge, distressed leather sofa similar to this and am thinking I might love a littler cultured texture like this.
love those pillows. I need to take a trip to Jerusalem again.
the colors of my decor in my house, for the most part, looks like this picture and the one below, but without the sea foam green or mustard yellow. Im thinking I could pick a bold, but semi muted color and paint my dining room chairs for some extra personality.

This is a tad on the busy side...leaning more toward how I used to decorate, but I just love that crazy patchwork looking curtain used as a room divider. <3

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weight loss during pregnancy when obese | Days with My Dapper Boys

weight loss during pregnancy when obese

Man, the past two weeks have been really full. Full of goodness and lots of plans for celebrations. Samuel and I have been in full gear of preparing our house for 2 boys. We bought another crib, cleared out our guest room/office to transform it into a play room and made space for Sams workspace in our room. (Can you say amazing desk that I LOVE from Ikea?!) I know Ive said it before, and will say it until the new little mini is here, but Im trying to soak up every minute with Kael - extra book readings, play days and silly crazy moments. Today, we spent the whole day at the pool. We splashed, made "soup" with lots of buckets and soaked up the sun together with friends. I finished the afternoon with a spontaneous drop by at my mom and dads, which turned into a coffee and cupcake date. Life is so much more enjoyable when I relax, stop juggling everything and everyone and truly living presently in the moment. Heres to more simple, happy, summer days.
One of my besties Kristina sent this sweet dapper hat to Kael for his first birthday and it has been re-discovered with lots of smiles. <3

Elmo slippers, 4T rock t-shirt, hat...everyday perfection ;) 

Sam, myself and our amazing friends, Kate and Jason, spent the day in Asheville last week. The boys had some filming to do and we had some eating and shopping to knock out. ;) Kate is expecting her first little sweet boy this mid-September!  We are bumpies together!!! She is so lovely. 
Kael hoop dancing with some cool hippies in downtown Asheville. My heart was pretty much bursting and they were the sweetest; totally encouraging him to join them. <3
 I found a pretty awesome beat up copper bell at a little shop in Asheville for $ fav necklace. ;)  (Plus some pretty sweet Mala beads from Tiny Devotions.) 

Took my guy out for Fathers day breakfast. 

Spent the rest of the day with my amazing folks for Fathers dad is pretty much the bomb. 
Playing with daddy. (Sam is the most amazing guy. Best dad, friend and everything else. Its so fun learning how to be a parent,  grown up and better artist alongside of him. ;) 
Sketched and designed a tattoo for a girlfriend. (She wanted 3 arrows for her 3 boys)
Helping daddy put together our amazing new desk! (Ah! We are having SOOOO much fun nesting and really putting time and purposed energy into making our house more personally ours.) 

From our pool day today...
(Gran, did you enjoy all of these pictures!? Im going to be sending you lots of copies of them, so get ready!) 

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after pregnancy weight loss in urdu | How many children do you have

after pregnancy weight loss in urdu

Earlier today, on Facebook and Twitter, I asked the question, "When people ask you how many children you have, do you include the children youve lost?" The answers were interesting and varied, and I thought I would share my own personal response here.

First of all, I know my husband and I have conceived at least six children. I say "at least" because I suspect that Ive had a few other unconfirmed "chemical pregnancies" (very early miscarriages) based on my charts from the past few years, but also because most women have most likely had early miscarriages of which they are completely unaware. There are some statistics out there that put the percentage of miscarriages of unconfirmed pregnancies at 50%. So its quite possible that half of all pregnancies end before a woman even has the chance to know shes pregnant and then another 20-30% of confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriage. So, its fairly impossible (this side of heaven) for any woman to know for sure how many children shes truly conceived. In some ways, attempting to answer the questions "How many children to do have?" with 100% certainty is a bit unrealistic. But my husband and I know weve conceived six and we acknowledge all of those souls as our children. Those who have passed are not any less real or significant than those here on earth with us. We dont distinguish.

But, if were talking semantics, I dont have six children. I currently have two children - one who is currently playing downstairs and the other currently playing in my womb. God has the other four (or more, as I suspect). So, when asked how many children I have, I dont feel one bit guilty if I say I only have one or two (depending on whether Im counting the baby in the womb or not - I am still not yet used to counting him/her and until just recently, it wasnt obvious I was pregnant and I prefer not to talk about it if I can avoid it) because thats all I have here on earth with me. I dont feel like Im forgetting about the babies who have died or that Im somehow failing to honor them. Its just the plain truth. I always assume that the person who asks wants to know how many children I am raising, not how many children my husband and I conceived, and I find it best to answer a question by addressing its intention.

When it comes down to it though, I try to avoid answering the question directly. When asked, "How many children do you have?" I usually say, "I have a three year old." Now that Im a bit more obviously pregnant, Ive been asked quite a bit (when Lucias not around, of course), "Is this your first?" And I answer the same way, "No, I have a three year old," instead of having to decide whether to say, "No, its my second," or "No, its my sixth." Its a simple way to avoid having to directly answer with a number and gets across the information that was requested. (Again, deferring to the intention of the question.)

When someone directly asks if this is my second child, however, I do share that its my sixth. Im not sure why the distinction. Maybe its semantics. I only have two children on earth, but this baby is not my second child. Second living child, yes. Second child, no. I know that doesnt make much sense. What can I say, the minds of women after loss are complicated places. There are very few things that all women who have experienced loss have in common, but I do believe one thing thats pretty constant is that each of us will find ourselves inordinately stuck on something while other things just dont bother us. We each have our own triggers, but I think each of us have them, whatever they are. Calling my baby my second child is just one of those. Its just not something Im comfortable with, and I probably just notice it so much because it does bother me, but it seems like our society is pretty stuck on saying things like, "Congrats on baby #2", which is akin to nails on a chalkboard to me (especially from people who know about our losses).

So, if youve had a loss, how do you answer these questions? Are you comfortable with your response? Do you have certain comments or phrases that bother you more than others (like calling our current pregnancy "baby #2" bothers me)?

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pregnancy weight loss tricks | Isaacs Birth Story

pregnancy weight loss tricks

Its been one week since Isaac came into the world and in some ways I am still wrapping my head around how everything went. All pregnancies and births are different, and I dont think you can ever be fully prepared for how things will turn out. This experience was no exception.

We went to the hospital at midnight before our due date for a scheduled induction. Our baby was measuring big with a big head and we didnt want to take a chance of me having to deliver a really big head again (with Jack, it required a vacuum). Also there were the risk factors associated with having polyhdramnios – namely placental abruption and cord prolapse. Both of these risks are associated with your water breaking. With so much extra amniotic fluid in the uterus, there is an increased risk of the cord falling out before the baby is born (cord prolapse) or the placenta tearing away from the uterus (placental abruption). Both of which can be bad news for the baby and mother.

We arrived at the hospital shortly after midnight – we stopped on the way for some snacks. I ate a Twix bar as we drove up the hospital. We signed in at the front desk and waited for them to call us upstairs. Around 12:30am we were told that we could to go up.

Our nurse greeted us at the doors to Labor and Delivery. We noticed that the satellite hospital we were delivering at now had a NICU and we inquired about it. The lack of a NICU had been one of our initial concerns about delivering at Womens East instead of downtown. For a variety of reasons we stuck with East (Jack was also delivered at this hospital), so it was a relief to learn they officially had a NICU (just in case things didnt go as planned).

After signing more papers and discussing the induction process, my nurse gave me a gown and I hopped into bed to get things started. Around 1am, she finally started to slowly turn on the pitocin drip. Initially things were going fine. I had come in with contractions (that werent painful) but was still only 2cm. We hoped my body would kick in on its own and the pitocin would be a minor part of this delivery.

After 10 minutes the nurse came back in to turn my pitocin up to a 6 (I think we started at 4, though Im not entirely sure what those numbers mean). Almost immediately I started to get unbearable contractions. The kind where you feel like you are going to die. My nurse told me she would be back shortly and almost as soon as she walked out of the room my water broke.

I thought of the risks associated with your water breaking and immediately told Daniel to call the nurse. The water was gushing and the contractions were coming in waves without a break (very similar to my contractions with Jack after my water broke).

My nurse checked me and said I was already dilated to 5cm and I said I wanted an epidural as soon as possible. The contractions kept coming and the water kept coming. Another nurse came back in the room and they mentioned that there was meconium in the water. 

Pretty soon the anesthesiologist was in the room. I made the mental note that he was the same person that had done my epidural with Jack. Between contractions he inserted the catheter and Daniel held my shoulders still while I tried not to move or cry. As soon as my legs were numb, the nurse mentioned that she was having a difficult time finding a heart beat for the baby.

Sometime during this process, my doctor had been called and the NICU had been called because of the meconium. My legs were numb but I continued to feel the contractions. My doctor checked me between waves of pain and I was already dilated to 8cm and things had only been happening for about 2 hours. The pitocin had been stopped since my body was doing the work on its own.

After getting checked my doctor mentioned that there was blood in the water that was gushing out and she was concerned about a placental abruption. During this time the nurses were turning me from side to side trying to find the babys heart beat. As the minutes ticked by, my doctor made the decision that for the safety of the baby and me we needed to go to the OR. During this period my anesthesiologist never had time to leave my room.

They immediately began prepping me for surgery and quickly explained to us what to expect. I asked if Daniel could come give me a kiss before we went to the OR. Then I started praying that things would go smoothly. Before I knew it, I was being whisked down the hallway to the OR.

The room was so bright with white walls and huge white lights. Somewhere in the background music was playing. The OR filled up quickly and it felt like only a few minutes before the cloths were draped and Daniel was sitting beside me again.

My drugs were pretty strong. My arms were numb and I could barely hold my eyes open so I lay there and just drifted. I was afraid to fall asleep. Daniel held my hand and I opened my eyes to see that he had stood up to watch the surgery proceed over the top of the blanket. He watched the entire process.

Within a few minutes our baby was out and Daniel said, "Its a boy." Shortly after, our boy started crying. He cried quite a bit and then they gave him to Daniel. He was born at 4:16am, weighed 6pounds 12 oz (like his big brother), was 20.25inches long and had dark blue eyes. His apgar scores were 6 and 8.

At this point I was shaking uncontrollably from the drugs. My arms where out to my sides and they began to ache at the shoulders. Every once in awhile I felt like I couldnt catch my breath and the anesthesiologist would tell me I was fine and that my oxygen levels were still at 100%.

I looked at our son, but was still having trouble focusing so Daniel continued to hold him. I started pitocin around 1am and our boy was born at 4:16am. It was all such an unexpected whirlwhind. It took another 20+ minutes to stitch me up and then we were off to recovery.

I continued to shake and I have never felt so thirsty in my life. Before we left the OR the anesthesiologist took pity on me and had squeezed water from a wash cloth into my parched mouth. I am so grateful that he did that for me. It was another hour before I was allowed ice chips. While we waited in recovery, they covered me with warm blankets to help with the shaking and put compression boots on my legs to prevent blood clots (I am at a higher risk for due to a blood clot 7 years ago).

The boots were very confusing at first because I didnt know they were on my legs. As feeling returned to me body, my legs would alternately start tingling. The nurses eventually noticed my confusion and let me know that the boots were making my legs tingle.

While in recovery I finally felt like I could use my arms enough to hold our baby. He immediately started nursing with very little help from me. We actually stayed in recovery for over an hour while he nursed heartily.

I think it was around 6am when they wheeled us back to my room. The delivery table was in the hallway outside my door. Whether vaginally or a c-section I was definitely having a baby before morning. Daniel later told me that the plan was to let me push if I was fully dilated when we reached the OR, but in the end my doctor decided that the c-section was the safest delivery for me and our baby.

I am thankful for my doctors quick thinking and that the surgery went so well. Back in my room they told me that I should get up and walk as soon as I could. I was able to sit in a chair later that afternoon.

I only stayed in the hospital about 2.5 days. We are home and recovering now. I cant drive for 2 weeks and am focusing on healing. It is hard to not over do it. For recovery you are supposed to get up and walk, while also resting as much as possible. Overall I feel pretty decent for having major surgery a week ago. I am confident that working out throughout my pregnancy has made recovery easier. 

Read Jacks Birth Story here.

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