1- Get up early. The old expression �if you snooze you lose� is literal. The thing you lose most is time to get better.
2- Show up for work early. Be at least five minutes early and get to work setting up and making everyone�s life easier.
3- Stay late at work. Clean up and set up for tomorrow�s session.
4- Do more than is asked of you every day. Never walk by a wrapper on the floor. If the bathroom is dirty, clean it. People notice extra effort.
5- Care, about everything. Nothing is too small. Every person, every client matters.
6- Smile.
7- Learn names.
8- Brush your teeth every morning and after lunch. There is absolutely nothing worse than being coached by someone with bad breath.
9- Floss. See above.
10-Use deodorant. Body odor is a close second to bad breath.
11-Wear clothes that fit. Look professional, not like you escaped with your little brother�s ( or sister�s) clothes.
12- Read 1 hour a day ( split between self help and professional stuff)
13- Don�t waste time eating lunch. An exception is lunch with a colleague you don�t know well.
14-Don�t waste time on the internet. The internet is useful but who cares what someone had for breakfast.
15- Don�t waste time training ( do what you need to do, it�s not about you
16- Condition with your clients. Conditioning with them is true bonding.
17- Look the part by staying FIT
2- Show up for work early. Be at least five minutes early and get to work setting up and making everyone�s life easier.
3- Stay late at work. Clean up and set up for tomorrow�s session.
4- Do more than is asked of you every day. Never walk by a wrapper on the floor. If the bathroom is dirty, clean it. People notice extra effort.
5- Care, about everything. Nothing is too small. Every person, every client matters.
6- Smile.
7- Learn names.
8- Brush your teeth every morning and after lunch. There is absolutely nothing worse than being coached by someone with bad breath.
9- Floss. See above.
10-Use deodorant. Body odor is a close second to bad breath.
11-Wear clothes that fit. Look professional, not like you escaped with your little brother�s ( or sister�s) clothes.
12- Read 1 hour a day ( split between self help and professional stuff)
13- Don�t waste time eating lunch. An exception is lunch with a colleague you don�t know well.
14-Don�t waste time on the internet. The internet is useful but who cares what someone had for breakfast.
15- Don�t waste time training ( do what you need to do, it�s not about you
16- Condition with your clients. Conditioning with them is true bonding.
17- Look the part by staying FIT

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