Shoulder muscle is an important muscle in the body muscles. Grown Shoulders give you the advantage of having a larger than you look. It also makes you look smaller compared to your broad shoulders. Although the shoulders are the most neglected parts of the body. Having a huge shoulders help you build your chest and back easier and faster muscles.
A proper shoulder training session should include training of all three parts of the shoulder: front, side and rear. There are some exercises to work on each part of the shoulder:
Shoulder Press
The first and perhaps most important shoulder exercise is the shoulder press. They are mainly the front, but if you run the exercise behind the head as you work on your back. If you are experienced, I suggest you use dumbbells. They allow you to make the move to a much wider range which allows you to concentrate on the contraction itself. For d�butantil is better to use a machine at the shoulder to get used to the movement.
Side Raise
This is the perfect exercise for the shoulder side part and must be included in every workout routine shoulder. You will have better results if you perform this exercise with dumbbells. You should better start with less weight since the execution of the movement correctly is very important. Do not forget to raise the dumbbells to the shoulder line.
Raise front
As side raises is an exercise that is precise movements. You can lift weights or plate slowly to eye level. Lower the weight slowly again to benefit from the negative decision of the year. After 2-3 rounds, you should feel your shoulders before burning.
Low Pulley Upright Row
This is called while a shoulder exercise. Although primarily address the pitfalls, all parts of the shoulder are formed along. Make sure when you pick up the cable or bar stay on point more for a second or two. This will maximize the intensity of the exercise.
Raise rear cable
Often forget our part of the rear shoulder. I witness people in the gym training hard their shoulders and neglecting their rear shoulder. Rear shoulders underdeveloped have a negative effect on the total picture of your shoulders. You have the option of using a cable or dumbbell. However, I suggest you use a cable so that you keep the pressure on your muscles throughout the movement. As in previous years be sure to raise and lower the weight slowly.
It was the best exercises for the shoulder muscles. Train your shoulders than your chest and back. Try to have a symmetry in bodybuilding

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