15 best workout of all time

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013


fitness tips

15 best workout of all time

 Want to know what secrets to getting a toned muscular body in record time? We also went straight to Top trainers staff exercise physiologists and fitness instructors for end shots and tricks motivation to start a fitness routine into high gear. Put a few of these tips into action every week and you're guaranteed to get results faster!

1 - Tone Up on the treadmill

"Save time in the gym with these 10 minutes of cardio / sculpt session: Hop on a treadmill holding three to five pounds dumbbell in each hand, and adjust the speed of a brisk walk can do a series of one-minute presses. shoulder, biceps curls, triceps extensions, laterals, branches and before standing in triceps kickbacks one after another as you walk. I is a challenge to the top of the amazing body that also gets your heart. to do this, two series or three times per week. as you better, work up to sets of four minutes. "

2 -Turn your Runs

"Wall added at the end of each race will strengthen your quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes, to improve your speed and endurance. Hold yourself up against one wall with your feet shoulder width apart, then squat until the your knees are bent at 45 degrees. Hold the position for. 30 to 60 seconds, working up to 10 sets Add a challenge by including heel raises: Lift your left heel, then the right, then lift both together twice. "

3 - Follow your progress

"Staying motivated with a fitness newsletter Note these topics. Cardio, Muscle conditioning, flexibility and Attitude Set goals (eg, to 10." Push-ups Boy ") and the same content A to F at least four times a year. When you see how much you improve, you'll want to stay in great shape. "

4 -  Try this all-in-one toner

"A side step squat with wood chop works the arms, chest, abs, back, legs, thighs and buttocks. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart holding three to four medicine ball books in your hands. bend your arm so that the ball is at eye level over your right shoulder. as you bring the ball toward your left knee out with your left leg and bend it more than 90 degrees, keeping your right leg. Return to start position. Do 10 to 15 repetitions and repeat on the other leg. "

5 -  Break Out the Shovel

"Why pay somebody to shovel your entry addition burns about 400 calories per hour shoveling snow develops muscular endurance and power But be sure:. reduce the amount of snow on every shovelful, and bend your knees and hips, not your back. "

6 -  Work out during your work day

"Sit on a stability ball to reinforce your heart, and keep dumbbells or exercise tubing to your press office in 12 to 15 repetitions of exercises like dumbbell curls, overhead presses and abdominal;. . Aim for two or three sets of each This gives you more time to fit in fun training like biking or tennis sessions. "

7 -  Take this jump rope Challenge

"The best cardio workout is the jump rope double-turn maneuver This is intense:. You burn about 26 calories per minute Make a basic jump for five minutes, then jump twice as high and turn the rope twice as fast if it! passes under your feet twice before landing. It takes time, patience and power. But you in great shape while working on it. "

8 -  Give Yourself a Break

 "You do not have to be a saint fitness for results Follow the plan 80/20:. Eighty percent of the year, you exercise regularly and eat well that you slide 20 percent of the time due to holidays. "and work deadlines. When you accept that fitness is not a matter of all or nothing, you're more likely to stick with it for life."

9 -  Get a jump on weight loss

"Add plyometric box jumps to your workout to improve your cardiovascular endurance and leg strength - you really sculpt your hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes Find a sturdy box that 's at least one high  from a standing position, explosive jump in the middle of the box, then jump down Repeat this exercise 20 times. "

10 -  Do not skimp on carbs

"Your body needs to fuel a training session, so reach fruit or high fiber crackers an hour in advance. If you'e exercising for 90 minutes or more, include protein so that carbohydrates break down more slowly, giving you longer sustainable energy Your best paris:. low-fat cheese and crackers, trail mix or half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "

11 -  Maximize your Crunches

"Do not relax your abs as you lower your chest away from your knees in a crisis - you only get half the benefit ab-toning To get the strongest possible abs, you must hold the contraction on the way down  ".

12 - Intensify Your Push-Up

"Squat thrust push-ups you get in great shape because they work the upper body, the soul and the lower body and improve agility, strength and endurance at the same time. from a standing position, bend down, put your hands on the floor shoulder width apart, and jump feet in plank position If you are strong, cross your ankles .. otherwise, your jump apart Make a push-up feet then jump feet together or uncross your ankles Jump your feet. to your hands and stand up. Make eight total representatives, rest for one minute, and repeat. "

13 -  Paddle Your Way to flatter Abs

"Go kayaking to get a tight stomach - it is ideal for a large part of your rowing power comes from your heart mimic the movement and water resistance at home by looping a exercise band around the lower leg of a table or other fixed object .. Sit on the floor with legs straight part, knees slightly bent, grasp one end of the band in each hand, rotate your torso to one side when you bring elbow back slightly, then switch sides do three sets of one to three minutes each ... "

14 -  Make over your running routine

"Unless you are training for a marathon, long jump, slow, distance running -. Sprint built more muscle Add some 10 - to 60 seconds sprints to your run, slowing down just long enough to catch your breath them. "

15 -  Super Sculpt Your Butt

"Get glutes by targeting the muscles and connective tissues buried in your body. To hit, do squats high intensity like squats jump. Then blow butt fat with skiing, running and climbing launderer the stairs. "

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