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Use at your own risk. website is for informational purposes only and should not be used as medical advice or as a substitute for medical advice. Nothing on should be used as a guide for self- diagnosis and or treatment, always consult with a doctor and or other certified health care professional whether you have Celiac Disease, gluten intolerance or any other medical condition. Never disregard or ignore medical advice from a doctor or certified health care professional due to reading information on
No one at is a medical expert or a nutritionist. Talk to a doctor and or certified nutritionist before changing to a gluten free diet. is not responsible for illness and injury from the misuse, abuse or sharing of information, photographs, the use of recipes and products from this website or through any links listed on this site.
We at are not responsible for any inaccurate information posted by anyone at, our readers, from other links or anyone else that provides or contributes information, pictures and recipes on and readers of the website will blog, discuss and share information, including photographs, about gluten free foods, recipes and products. You should always double check ingredients labels and recipes for gluten. is not responsible for inaccurate recipe information, cross-contamination and or the way you prepare a meal at home or in any kitchen.
We always make every effort to confirm the accuracy of the information on is accurate however we make no guarantees with the accuracy of information on our site, from other links, articles, or posted by other readers.
By entering and using you do so at your own risk.
No one at is a medical expert or a nutritionist. Talk to a doctor and or certified nutritionist before changing to a gluten free diet. is not responsible for illness and injury from the misuse, abuse or sharing of information, photographs, the use of recipes and products from this website or through any links listed on this site.
We at are not responsible for any inaccurate information posted by anyone at, our readers, from other links or anyone else that provides or contributes information, pictures and recipes on and readers of the website will blog, discuss and share information, including photographs, about gluten free foods, recipes and products. You should always double check ingredients labels and recipes for gluten. is not responsible for inaccurate recipe information, cross-contamination and or the way you prepare a meal at home or in any kitchen.
We always make every effort to confirm the accuracy of the information on is accurate however we make no guarantees with the accuracy of information on our site, from other links, articles, or posted by other readers.
By entering and using you do so at your own risk.
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Bodybuilding Supplements � Are They Worth It?
Kamis, 05 September 2013
For a lengthy time I wondered if I should use bodybuilding supplements or just build muscle mass 100% in the natural way. Now that its been a while since I started and I understand the real nature of bodybuilding, I think I can help you to understand whether or not you must use some extra protein or other products to help you grain more muscle faster.
The Wrights Brothers (the creators of the first successful airplane) believed that they needed to build a plane which could first fly via itself and without the help of an engine. They realized that if they could get something to fly via itself, then they could add the engine to propel it further and faster through the air.
Now the same goes for bodybuilding. Before you buy bodybuilding supplements, you must make sure that you can workout just fine without them. You must optimize other parts of your plan and then you can put an engine (supplements) on your progress. Because if you just stick a large engine of something which doesnt fly � it will not work.
To give you an example, I now use Optimum Nutritions 100% Whey Protein powder. But I never did for years in the beginning. This is because I couldnt just consume supplements and expect to get results. First I needed a solid diet plan and workout routine, then I needed to give myself the motivation to push to the point of failure via myself.
Once I got to this level and Id already got bigger in size and mass, I began to use a few protein products so that I could get extra gains on top of what I already had. You notice, that via this time I already had had some success and wasnt new to working out and building muscle. This is key, because so lots of people just think that via eating bodybuilding products they will suddenly turn into the incredible hulk -false.
In fact, when wanna-be bodybuilders just consume protein powder and do not workout � they get fat. And because they havent been doing kind of proper workout routine, they can not shake that fat off again so theyre in a far worse position than when they started!
So to conclude this article, I just want to make clear what Ive been saying. Okay, so Im not saying that you should never start using bodybuilding supplements, Im just saying that its in your best interests to first make sure that you can build muscle via designing a great eating plan and exercise routine first
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Bodybuilding Tips
7 Steps to Safe Workouts
Rabu, 04 September 2013
Nobody goes into the gym planning to get injured. Still, most people tend to do just that at least once in their journey to a fit physique. Some things can�t be helped � bad luck strikes in the gym easily as outside it � but there are some steps you can take to tilt the odds in your favor.
Properly warming up will raise your core temperature, get your metabolism into gear and �pre-lubricate� the joints in preparation for the actual workout. Simply put, your body is ready to tackle the big weights.
Your warm-up should consist of 5-10 mins of moderate cardio on a treadmill or stationary bike, 5 minutes of light stretching and, as you get ready for the weights, 1-2 light sets before your �real� sets begin.
Why? If a supporting muscle stiffens or becomes shortened, it will start interfering with the normal groove of your exercises. Not a big deal at first, but over time you train increasingly �wrong� and put a lot of extra stress on joints, ligaments and unintended secondary muscle groups. The cumulative effect over a couple of years can throw some serious curveballs at your bodybuilding efforts.
In addition, stretching between sets flushes out lactic acid and byproducts while bringing in fresh nutrients, thus making your stronger for your next set. Finally, the post-stretching helps you recover faster between workouts.
Proper stretching is not rocket science. In a nutshell; you stretch slowly, without bouncing, for 30 seconds or more taking care not to inadvertently put undue stress on the joints.
Cheating should only be done at the end of a normal set to squeeze out a few �bonus� reps. If you have to sway or use momentum from the second rep on, you�re using too much weight.
Another aspect of control is avoiding any type of bouncing, jerking or partial moves forced by necessity. In other words, if you stop halfway down in the negative phase of your biceps curls because you wouldn�t be able to curl up otherwise, you�re using too much weight.
And let�s not even talk about the �bench press perverts� who still, after years of articles and books recommending against it, just love to thrust their pelvis up as far off the bench as they can when doing presses so that the only point of contact anywhere is their feet and their shoulders. I�ll put it really simple: don�t. Keep your back flat against the bench and use your muscles to lift the weight as it was intended.
Lastly, hoisting barbells and dumbbells above your head by bending your knees should only be done by experienced lifters (wearing a belt) as part of a comprehensive strategy. A newbie squirming around all over the place trying to get a heavy barbell over his head is as close to asking for it as you�ll get without actually saying the words.
Why is this? Think about a barbell military press. From feet to hips, you�re pretty much standing straight. Then you lean backwards so that you can stay balanced while pushing up the barbell and the only thing protecting your spine is your abs. In fact, ab tension is a prerequisite for getting into the starting position.
That�s the obvious example. Less obvious, but perhaps even more crucial, is the role of your midsection when you do rows, pushdowns and various leg exercises.
In these examples, your abs is merely a secondary thing that doesn�t automatically require tensed abs � you need to do this consciously. If you don�t, you risk putting undue stress on your spine.
The big Kahuna of ab power is rectus abdominis, the �six pack� (actually a single muscle) that runs from your rib cage to your pelvis. However, it is prudent to include a couple of exercises for obliques as well.
Physical Balance:
The former is pretty straight-forward. When you stand and do curls, pushdowns, presses or whatnot, don�t do so with locked knees. Stand as you would stand on a bus in motion, tense up your abs and you�re in good shape.
When you lie on a bench, put your feet up on the bench too. This will force you to stay balanced through presses or skull crushers; otherwise you�d simply fall off. As you get into the hack squat, relax your shoulders, straighten up your back and slide up to the pads by straightening out your knees (not �duck in�). You get the idea.
Muscle Strength Balance:
The other side of the coin is equally important. Most people are a tad stronger in one side, i.e. you can do two more reps with your left arm than your right. This isn�t a big problem in day-to-day life, but when you enter the gym things get a bit more complicated.
If you tend to go with exercises that allow the stronger side to overpower and take over some of the load from the weak side, you�re in trouble. Typically, most barbell exercises and machines with a single bar are guilty of this. On the other hand, dumbbells and machines where the two handles operate independently make this impossible.
Having said that, I�m not advocating you ditch all barbells from your workouts. That�d be stupid, as you�d miss out on some of the most effective exercises there is (deadlifts and squats, to name a few). However, it is prudent to mix the two types in every workout and, if uneven strength is already a problem, consciously holding the stronger side back until they have equalized.
The gym works the same way. When you do calf presses in the leg press machine, odds are very low your feet will actually slip off the edge. However, if they do, and you don�t have the stops engaged, you can kiss you shins and knees goodbye.
Likewise, attempting heavy barbell bench presses to failure without a spotter is little more than Russian roulette. You can even up the ante by using �monkey grip� (thumbs on the same side as the rest of the fingers) for the added thrill of potentially dropping 300 lbs on your face.
If you�ve spent some time in the gym you know there are all sorts of minor safety precautions and good habits. Wipe off your hands before loading plates. Keep your feet clear from under plates and dumbbells. Use a belt for heavy lifts and overhead presses. Use a spotter whenever you�re in a vulnerable position. And so on�
None of this is rocket-science, and chances are good most of your precautions will be completely pointless. However, the one time you DO mess up, you will be very happy you took the extra few seconds to play it safe.
However, it will be a bit sore � and when you hit it again a few days later, it hasn�t had time to heal properly, thus pushing it another inch towards the brink. Repeat a few hundred times without ever giving that joint a chance to recover, and you�re all set for disaster.
By listening to your body and taking extra rest days you can avoid a lot of problems. So your elbow feels funny from last week�s skull crushers? Then let it rest � hit the treadmill instead. Knee aching? Perhaps this is not the time to attempt a new squatting record, even though you planned it for this day.
Dedicated bodybuilders often take pride in sticking to the program. Hitting the gym on schedule week after week is one of the most important factors of long-term success there are, but there�s an exception to the rule: if you�re on the edge of overtraining, it is actually MORE beneficial to take time off than going to the gym.
Also, getting a solid 8 hours of sleep per night is important. Not only do your joints, muscles and nervous system recover faster, you also benefit from the natural burst of hormones that will help you grow.
Last but not least, if you�ve been skimping on sleep you lose mental focus. You know that driving at 2 AM after a long day dulls your senses and makes your reactions slower. Being unfocused in the gym equals sloppy lifting, unintentional cheating and potential injury.
Step 1: Warm-up
This may sound like the king of cliches, but guess what? A large percentage of the gymrats out there, especially the younger ones, are so eager to hit the bench press that they skimp on or ignore the warm-up altogether. This is a big mistake.Properly warming up will raise your core temperature, get your metabolism into gear and �pre-lubricate� the joints in preparation for the actual workout. Simply put, your body is ready to tackle the big weights.
Your warm-up should consist of 5-10 mins of moderate cardio on a treadmill or stationary bike, 5 minutes of light stretching and, as you get ready for the weights, 1-2 light sets before your �real� sets begin.
Step 2: Stretch
Failure to stretch will make your muscle bellies shorten over time, making you less flexible. While it may seem like a minor aesthetic detail to get that slightly-hunched, gorilla-look, your muscles and joints become a lot more vulnerable.Why? If a supporting muscle stiffens or becomes shortened, it will start interfering with the normal groove of your exercises. Not a big deal at first, but over time you train increasingly �wrong� and put a lot of extra stress on joints, ligaments and unintended secondary muscle groups. The cumulative effect over a couple of years can throw some serious curveballs at your bodybuilding efforts.
In addition, stretching between sets flushes out lactic acid and byproducts while bringing in fresh nutrients, thus making your stronger for your next set. Finally, the post-stretching helps you recover faster between workouts.
Proper stretching is not rocket science. In a nutshell; you stretch slowly, without bouncing, for 30 seconds or more taking care not to inadvertently put undue stress on the joints.
Step 3: Control
It can be tempting to load up the big weights and cheat your way through the set. And sure enough, controlled cheating is a tried-and-true intensity boosting technique advocated by Arnold and many other prominent bodybuilders. The key word, however, is controlled.Cheating should only be done at the end of a normal set to squeeze out a few �bonus� reps. If you have to sway or use momentum from the second rep on, you�re using too much weight.
Another aspect of control is avoiding any type of bouncing, jerking or partial moves forced by necessity. In other words, if you stop halfway down in the negative phase of your biceps curls because you wouldn�t be able to curl up otherwise, you�re using too much weight.
And let�s not even talk about the �bench press perverts� who still, after years of articles and books recommending against it, just love to thrust their pelvis up as far off the bench as they can when doing presses so that the only point of contact anywhere is their feet and their shoulders. I�ll put it really simple: don�t. Keep your back flat against the bench and use your muscles to lift the weight as it was intended.
Lastly, hoisting barbells and dumbbells above your head by bending your knees should only be done by experienced lifters (wearing a belt) as part of a comprehensive strategy. A newbie squirming around all over the place trying to get a heavy barbell over his head is as close to asking for it as you�ll get without actually saying the words.
Step 4: Strong Abs
This brings us to the next point: your midsection is the stabilizer that holds you together. Fail to build a solid, balanced midsection and you�re in the danger zone, especially from any type of overhead press.Why is this? Think about a barbell military press. From feet to hips, you�re pretty much standing straight. Then you lean backwards so that you can stay balanced while pushing up the barbell and the only thing protecting your spine is your abs. In fact, ab tension is a prerequisite for getting into the starting position.
That�s the obvious example. Less obvious, but perhaps even more crucial, is the role of your midsection when you do rows, pushdowns and various leg exercises.
In these examples, your abs is merely a secondary thing that doesn�t automatically require tensed abs � you need to do this consciously. If you don�t, you risk putting undue stress on your spine.
The big Kahuna of ab power is rectus abdominis, the �six pack� (actually a single muscle) that runs from your rib cage to your pelvis. However, it is prudent to include a couple of exercises for obliques as well.
Step 5: Balance
There are two sides to this coin; balance as it refers to how you stand and sit as you lift weights, and balance in terms of muscle strength equalization.Physical Balance:
The former is pretty straight-forward. When you stand and do curls, pushdowns, presses or whatnot, don�t do so with locked knees. Stand as you would stand on a bus in motion, tense up your abs and you�re in good shape.
When you lie on a bench, put your feet up on the bench too. This will force you to stay balanced through presses or skull crushers; otherwise you�d simply fall off. As you get into the hack squat, relax your shoulders, straighten up your back and slide up to the pads by straightening out your knees (not �duck in�). You get the idea.
Muscle Strength Balance:
The other side of the coin is equally important. Most people are a tad stronger in one side, i.e. you can do two more reps with your left arm than your right. This isn�t a big problem in day-to-day life, but when you enter the gym things get a bit more complicated.
If you tend to go with exercises that allow the stronger side to overpower and take over some of the load from the weak side, you�re in trouble. Typically, most barbell exercises and machines with a single bar are guilty of this. On the other hand, dumbbells and machines where the two handles operate independently make this impossible.
Having said that, I�m not advocating you ditch all barbells from your workouts. That�d be stupid, as you�d miss out on some of the most effective exercises there is (deadlifts and squats, to name a few). However, it is prudent to mix the two types in every workout and, if uneven strength is already a problem, consciously holding the stronger side back until they have equalized.
Step 6: Safety Precautions
You don�t buckle up in your car because you expect to crash � you do it because it�s a quick and easy insurance policy for the slim chance some numbskull slams into you. However, if it does happen, you�re very, very happy that you took the two seconds to do it.The gym works the same way. When you do calf presses in the leg press machine, odds are very low your feet will actually slip off the edge. However, if they do, and you don�t have the stops engaged, you can kiss you shins and knees goodbye.
Likewise, attempting heavy barbell bench presses to failure without a spotter is little more than Russian roulette. You can even up the ante by using �monkey grip� (thumbs on the same side as the rest of the fingers) for the added thrill of potentially dropping 300 lbs on your face.
If you�ve spent some time in the gym you know there are all sorts of minor safety precautions and good habits. Wipe off your hands before loading plates. Keep your feet clear from under plates and dumbbells. Use a belt for heavy lifts and overhead presses. Use a spotter whenever you�re in a vulnerable position. And so on�
None of this is rocket-science, and chances are good most of your precautions will be completely pointless. However, the one time you DO mess up, you will be very happy you took the extra few seconds to play it safe.
Step 7: Recovery
Not all injuries are of the flash-bang nature. In fact, a good chunk of the stuff that ails people is cumulative problems built up over months or even years. If you do bicep curls a little bit wrong so that you put undue stress on a joint, it obviously won�t send you to the ER right away.However, it will be a bit sore � and when you hit it again a few days later, it hasn�t had time to heal properly, thus pushing it another inch towards the brink. Repeat a few hundred times without ever giving that joint a chance to recover, and you�re all set for disaster.
By listening to your body and taking extra rest days you can avoid a lot of problems. So your elbow feels funny from last week�s skull crushers? Then let it rest � hit the treadmill instead. Knee aching? Perhaps this is not the time to attempt a new squatting record, even though you planned it for this day.
Dedicated bodybuilders often take pride in sticking to the program. Hitting the gym on schedule week after week is one of the most important factors of long-term success there are, but there�s an exception to the rule: if you�re on the edge of overtraining, it is actually MORE beneficial to take time off than going to the gym.
Also, getting a solid 8 hours of sleep per night is important. Not only do your joints, muscles and nervous system recover faster, you also benefit from the natural burst of hormones that will help you grow.
Last but not least, if you�ve been skimping on sleep you lose mental focus. You know that driving at 2 AM after a long day dulls your senses and makes your reactions slower. Being unfocused in the gym equals sloppy lifting, unintentional cheating and potential injury.
Keeping these 7 steps in mind won�t guarantee an injury-free life, but the odds and the severity of any incident should be drastically reduced. It�s mostly common-sense stuff anyway; you just have to get in the habit of doing it. Good luck!
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Bodybuilding Tips
Diet And Tips For Bodybuilding
Senin, 02 September 2013
You will need to follow weight lifting exercises together with an appropriate bodybuilding diet plan to aid repair & rebuilding of the muscles For building your muscle mass.
For a nice bodybuilding diet, eat plenty of high-quality calories; but keep away from junk food no matter what. The amount of calories taken may be roughly calculated by multiplying your current weight in pounds by twenty. The body needs calories to fix the destroy inflicted to the muscles while exercising. Having said that, if you are fat then taking additional calories is not advised.
Consume a few foods. Objective to have meals with plenty of proteins & carbohydrates included. Consume protein regularly throughout the day; you ought to make use of chicken, eggs, milk, fish or even protein powder for your protein needs. Usually you need 1 � 2 grams of protein for each lb of one�s weight.
You can take additional protein supplements for building muscles. Whey protein is one nice option; it greatly assists with body building. Carbohydrates provide energy & support in replacing the nutrients lost in the work of exercise. It ought to consist of about 50% of the diet.
Take in high quality carbohydrates. Consume oatmeal, brown rice & multigrain bread.
Take only healthy fats like those present in nuts, olive oil & flaxseed oil. Fats ought to comprise at the most 30% of one�s diet.
Drinking plenty of water is great for bodybuilding by keeping the body hydrated & aiding your training. Avoid alcohol & sugary drinks.
Create a practice of eating often. Consume 5 � 6 meals a day. However it does not mean to overeat; make positive that you are feeding your body often. Don�t let the body get hungry. It is vital to be positive that your body will keep on repairing itself. Keep in mind to seldom skip breakfast.
Eat plenty of fruits & veggies for supplying your body with plenty of vitamins & nutrients.
Some pointers to take care of in your muscle building diet plan:
keep in mind to take in additional food more often. But do not overload yourself.
Try increasing the meal portions gradually. It may well be difficult to fill yourself with a huge amount of food at one sitting however one can eat food which aid in adding mass to your muscle mass like milk, eggs, cheese etc. In addition, include bananas, peanut butter, whole grains, cereals, pasta, rice & potatoes in your eating process.
When you eat, give at least one hour gap before beginning training. It will offer plenty of time to your body to digest it. In addition have something nourishing right away after exercising, preferably carbohydrate to replenish your stores used in the work of training.
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Home Triceps Workout
Minggu, 01 September 2013
Video clip showing proper form for the french press exercise for triceps. This is a great exercise you can do at home with just an inexpensive barbell set. If you want big arms, remember that the triceps is actually a bigger muscle than the biceps so dont neglect it!
As with any dumbbell exercise, form is key if you want to maximize your muscle building efforts and minimize the chance of injury. Don�t use too much weight, if you can�t do the exercise slowly then you need to go lighter. Count aloud �one onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand� on the way up and the way down, if you cant do this on this exercise then you are using too much weight. The reason this exercise method maximizes your muscle growth is because it confines the motion to the muscle you are trying to work out, if your body squirms, swings, and kicks, all you are doing is taking the focus away from the muscle you are trying to exercise.
Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn�t have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts.
As with any dumbbell exercise, form is key if you want to maximize your muscle building efforts and minimize the chance of injury. Don�t use too much weight, if you can�t do the exercise slowly then you need to go lighter. Count aloud �one onethousand, two onethousand, three onethousand� on the way up and the way down, if you cant do this on this exercise then you are using too much weight. The reason this exercise method maximizes your muscle growth is because it confines the motion to the muscle you are trying to work out, if your body squirms, swings, and kicks, all you are doing is taking the focus away from the muscle you are trying to exercise.
Anyone can be healthier, have more energy, sleep better, and feel better about themselves through bodybuilding. Bodybuilding doesn�t have to be expensive or take a lot of time, gyms are great but home workouts can save you time and money. A cheap dumbbell set from a garage sale or walmart is all it takes to get started with your home workouts.
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Build More Muscle and Experience Better Pumps With Only One Exercise
Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013
Exercise programs come and go, and some even stay around for a while. Every now and then an old lifting technique is revived because some researcher declares it�s the ultimate way to put on muscle size; for example, partial reps. An old system may also get new life because a certain body�building star uses it. That was the case when Dorian Yates revived Mike Mentzer�s Heavy Duty training. Five years ago no one trained that heavy. Things changed overnight when Dorian started talking about his training.
There�s a training system that hardly anyone uses today that�s due for a revival�the one-exercise-per-muscle-group technique. There are no champs touting its effectiveness in magazine articles. No one uses it in this modern age of multiple exercises. Even so, it�s not likely you�ll ever find a better way to train for size.
There are several benefits to using the one-exercise-per-muscle-group technique, not the least of which is that it works well with a number of different bodybuilding programs. Probably the best feature is that you don�t lose your pump. You know how that goes: You�re training really hard on an exercise and getting an excellent pump when you decide to move on to another exercise; the next thing you know the pump is gone and your workout goes downhill from there. Have you ever thought about just sticking with that exercise for six, eight or maybe 10 to 15 sets?
This training style is also excellent when the only thing you want is sheer muscle mass. There have been several champs who used it almost exclusively, and their progress was remarkable. The most prominent example is Sergio Oliva. The three-time Mr. Olympia�s favorite way to train chest and back was to alternate sets, performing one for his chest and one for his back. The trick was that he stayed with only one exercise for each muscle group, primarily bench presses and chins.
Oliva would pyramid his weight on the two exercises. On bench presses, for example, he�d start off with a light weight and work up to a heavy triple, double or single on about his 10th set. From that point on he�d reverse-pyramid, dropping weight and adding reps.
Now, Sergio was no slouch in the genetics department. He�d probably have grown muscle no matter what routine he performed. He did, however, prefer this style above all others.
Reg Park is another legend of bodybuilding who liked to train this way. He believed it to be the ultimate for building mass. He�d pick one exercise for whatever bodypart he was working and just hammer at it, using six to 10 reps until that bodypart was engorged with a monstrous pump.
Tom Platz is also a proponent of one-exercise-per-bodypart training. He often performs up to 30 sets per exercise. On back, for example, he usually does T-bar rows for a full hour using sets of six to 100 reps. The key to his success with this technique is that he allows at least seven days of rest before he blitzes the same bodypart again.
The point of these examples is that the one-exercise-per-bodypart routines are some of the most effective you�ll ever find for working any of your muscle groups.
The Pyramid/Reverse-Pyramid System
This is the technique that Sergio Oliva used, as described above. When it comes to adding bulk and power, I don�t believe it can be beat. You can either work one muscle group until you complete all the sets or alternate antagonistic muscle groups the way Sergio did, using what Platz calls jump sets. Either variation is great. Below is a sample routine for the bench press in which you work straight through before going on to the next bodypart. Note that the weights listed are only hypothetical, to give you an idea of the jumps.
Set 1: 135 x 12
Set 2: 185 x 10
Set 3: 205 x 8
Set 4: 225 x 6
Set 5: 245 x 4
Set 6: 265 x 2
Set 7: 275 x 1
Set 8: 225 x 6
Set 9: 205 x 8-10
Set 10: 185 x 8-10
Set 11: 135 x 12-15
Set 12: 135 x 12-15
If you feel that you grow better with fewer sets, then you don�t need to perform so many. Just make sure you�re warmed up well before you jump to an extremely heavy set. Also, don�t try a heavy single or double every time you lift. You�ll only burn yourself out. It�s best to hold a little back most of the time. That keeps you from overtraining and also keeps you hungry for the iron at every workout.
Another variable that makes this particular routine effective is that you perform a wide range of reps, which ensures that you hit every muscle fiber. Every once in a while you might try some really high reps on your final two to four sets. I�m talking the 20-to-50 range. That type of training helps build your blood vessels, capillaries and neuromuscular pathways, which are needed for a huge pump.
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Bodybuilding Tips
Simple Recipes For Tuna
Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

First Tip
My first tip would be to buy Starkist�s tuna in the flavor flesh pouch. The reason for this is it is so much more convenient. You don�t have to get the can opener out or pry the top off and your hands won�t smell like tuna from draining the water.
Lemon Pepper Tuna
This is very simple to make. Get out a pan. Spray with some no calorie non-stick spray. Dump the tuna in the pan. Sprinkle with some lemon pepper (You can buy this already premixed). Turn on the burner and let the tuna cook. Stir the tuna periodically. Once the tuna is either warm, cooked, or burnt, depending on how you like it, throw it on a plate and you�re ready to rock and roll. You could also throw this in some tupperware and eat it later. It still taste good cold. The only thing this adds to the nutritional value of tuna is a little sodium.
Worcestershire (Cheese optional) Tuna
Also very simple to make. Get out a pan. Spray with some no calorie non-stick spray. Dump the tuna in the pan. Pour some Worcestershire sauce on the tuna then begin to cook. Cook to desired texture then eat. To add some more flavor, you can throw a slice of cheese on this. When the tuna is done cooking, turn the burner off, put the cheese on, cover the pan with a lid, and let the cheese melt on the tuna. Adding just the Worcestershire only adds about one gram of carbs to the nutritional total. The cheese, depending on what kind, adds about 5 grams of protein, 2 carbs, and 0-10 grams of fat.
Tuna and Egg
Get out a pan. Spray with some no calorie non-stick spray. Dump the tuna and egg up a bowl. Stir them together. Once mixed together, pour in the pan and allow to cook. Once the egg is totally cook, add pepper and salt, if wanted, and eat. Adding cheese also tastes very good with this combo. The egg adds, 5 grams of fat, 8 grams of protein, and 1 carb.
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Bodybuilding Tips
3 Reasons Why Your Biceps Aren�t Growing
One of the most desired muscles that guys want to increase in size are the biceps. That�s understandable since they are a sign of strength. Not to mention, the girls love them too.
The problem is that despite the will and extreme effort put forth in getting big guns, most guys don�t get the results they are looking for. In fact, they�ll focus on bicep curls 24/7 to get their biceps to grow. Yet other than the initial pump from the blood flowing through the muscle during exercise, absolutely nothing is gained and within 2 hours of finishing the workout, any increase they thought they saw is completely gone.
Does that sound familiar? Have you run into this problem?
I bet I can tell you why you aren�t seeing results when trying to get python sized arms. There several reasons why your biceps won�t grow. Here are three of them.
1- Technique � What is your timing count when you�re lifting? If you can�t answer that one, you�ve found one major problem with your exercise that is keeping your arms from gaining size. Hypertrophy, (muscle growth state), occurs at the 40 second mark of your exercise. If you�re throwing up 8 reps and not reaching a 5 second minimum count for each exercise, a large majority of your work will be for not.
Also, don�t use momentum to lift the weight. Initiate the work from the muscles the exercise is designed for and use slow controlled moves. (Implementing a 1 0 4 1 cadence will help with that and help meet the time frame required for hypertrophy, on an 8 rep set.)
BONUS TIP: Use the negative portion of the exercise to really work your muscle.
2- Nutrition - Ever heard of the phrase, �feed the muscle?� If you have any experience researching muscle building techniques then I know this expression is not new to you. However, what may be new is the actual meaning behind it. When you feed the muscle to create muscle growth, you are simply giving it what it needs when it needs it.
So how do you �feed the muscle?� Well, an extremely abbreviated description would be to give your body and muscles the energy it needs for the workout which comes from carbs. Then refuel your body and muscles with the food it needs to grow after the workout which should come mainly from quality lean protein and healthy fats. The pre-workout feeding should happen within an hour to hour and a half of the workout. Your post workout consumption should be as soon as possible after your workout within 45 minutes to an hour, but the earlier the better.
Keep in mind that you�ll need to take in excess calories to help contribute to muscle growth. However, these should be high quality nutrient dense calories. (Don�t eat everything in sight.) Keep in mind that protein and vegetable should be consumed with every meal.
3- REST - If you�ve taken your biceps to a state of failure or extreme fatigue in your workout, which you should if you want the huge guns, then rest and recovery is the next phase of the building process. You�ll need to give them 24 to 48 hours minimum to repair and recover in order to handle the next load you put on them.
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Bodybuilding Tips
Tips For Making Healthy Choices At Fast Food Restaurants
Senin, 26 Agustus 2013
1.Make careful menu selections � pay attention to the descriptions on the menu. Dishes labeled deep-fried, pan-fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin, or in cream sauce are usually high in calories, unhealthy fats, or sodium. Order items with more vegetables and choose leaner meats.
2.Drink water with your meal. Soda is a huge source of hidden calories. One 32-oz Big Gulp of regular cola packs about 425 calories, which can quickly gulp up a big portion of your daily calorie intake. Try adding a little lemon to your water or ordering unsweetened iced tea.
3.�Undress� your food. When choosing items, be aware of calorie- and fat-packed salad dressings, spreads, cheese, sour cream, etc. For example, ask for a grilled chicken sandwich without the mayonnaise. You can ask for a packet of ketchup or mustard and add it yourself, controlling how much you put on your sandwich.
4.Special order. Many menu items would be healthy if it weren�t for the way they were prepared. Ask for your vegetables and main dishes to be served without the sauces. Ask for olive oil and vinegar for your salads or order the dressing �on the side� and spoon only a small amount on at a time. If your food is fried or cooked in oil or butter, ask to have it broiled or steamed.
5.Eat mindfully. Pay attention to what you eat and savor each bite. =Chew your food more thoroughly and avoid eating on the run. Being mindful also means stopping before you are full. It takes time for your body to register that you have eaten. Mindful eating relaxes you, so you digest better, and makes you feel more satisfied.
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Bodybuilding Tips,
Top Successful Trainer Tips
1- Get up early. The old expression �if you snooze you lose� is literal. The thing you lose most is time to get better.
2- Show up for work early. Be at least five minutes early and get to work setting up and making everyone�s life easier.
3- Stay late at work. Clean up and set up for tomorrow�s session.
4- Do more than is asked of you every day. Never walk by a wrapper on the floor. If the bathroom is dirty, clean it. People notice extra effort.
5- Care, about everything. Nothing is too small. Every person, every client matters.
6- Smile.
7- Learn names.
8- Brush your teeth every morning and after lunch. There is absolutely nothing worse than being coached by someone with bad breath.
9- Floss. See above.
10-Use deodorant. Body odor is a close second to bad breath.
11-Wear clothes that fit. Look professional, not like you escaped with your little brother�s ( or sister�s) clothes.
12- Read 1 hour a day ( split between self help and professional stuff)
13- Don�t waste time eating lunch. An exception is lunch with a colleague you don�t know well.
14-Don�t waste time on the internet. The internet is useful but who cares what someone had for breakfast.
15- Don�t waste time training ( do what you need to do, it�s not about you
16- Condition with your clients. Conditioning with them is true bonding.
17- Look the part by staying FIT
2- Show up for work early. Be at least five minutes early and get to work setting up and making everyone�s life easier.
3- Stay late at work. Clean up and set up for tomorrow�s session.
4- Do more than is asked of you every day. Never walk by a wrapper on the floor. If the bathroom is dirty, clean it. People notice extra effort.
5- Care, about everything. Nothing is too small. Every person, every client matters.
6- Smile.
7- Learn names.
8- Brush your teeth every morning and after lunch. There is absolutely nothing worse than being coached by someone with bad breath.
9- Floss. See above.
10-Use deodorant. Body odor is a close second to bad breath.
11-Wear clothes that fit. Look professional, not like you escaped with your little brother�s ( or sister�s) clothes.
12- Read 1 hour a day ( split between self help and professional stuff)
13- Don�t waste time eating lunch. An exception is lunch with a colleague you don�t know well.
14-Don�t waste time on the internet. The internet is useful but who cares what someone had for breakfast.
15- Don�t waste time training ( do what you need to do, it�s not about you
16- Condition with your clients. Conditioning with them is true bonding.
17- Look the part by staying FIT
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Bodybuilding Tips
Essential Vitamins For Bodybuilding
Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013
Besides the right nutrition and proper workout, our body needs extra vitamin intake in order to build muscles and strength. The most important ones are C, E and the B complex.
Many of us are using some kind of a protein supplement. Those supplements contain lots of different vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless, the three main vitamins that will help you grow your muscles should be taken in addition to any other supplement.
Let us start with vitamin C, maybe one of the most essential vitamins for the human body. It is found mainly in fruits like oranges, tomatoes, lemons, peppers etch. Besides its numerous advantages vitamin C as an antioxidant can clean the organism from the free radicals which are responsible for many diseases. It also assists to the renewal and recovery of the cells after a hard workout something very important for those who are training. Keeping the testosterone levels high is another significant factor for training athletes. It is even more beneficial if combined with other antioxidant vitamins like the ones we are describing below. Vitamin C is not toxic and the optimal dosage is for people who work out frequently 1-2 grams per day. Should you face diarrhea issues just reduce the daily intake.
Vitamin E mainly found in green vegetables is the perfect antioxidant. It�s main function is to �patrol� the organism and eliminate free radicals. Although free radicals are naturally produced by the organism they do have a damaging effect in the cells. Vitamin E combined with vitamin C is the best �killer� of those free radicals. That way it strengthens the immune system. It�s also a fat-soluble vitamin meaning that it helps the organism burn fat while working out. As to the dosage, I would suggest taking 1-2 grams daily if you work out. There is no need to worry because no side effects have been mentioned from consuming large amounts of vitamin E.
The vitamin B complex is the last but not least important. It is subdivided to the B1, B6 and B12 vitamins. It is found in meat, dry fruit, fish etch. It�s main function is to assist muscle metabolism which in our case means muscle growth. It is also crucial for skeletal structure health, which is very important for people who train hard.
1 gram per day when on training routine is optimal.
Conclusively, any bodybuilder amateur or professional who is aiming for maximum muscle growth shouldn�t neglect in taking those three most essential vitamins.
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Bodybuilding Tips
The 3 Biggest Beginner Mistakes That Don�t Get Talked About
When trying to gain muscle and lose fat beginners are bombarded with advice, most of which is usually pretty sound. But most of this advice is not applicable without the basic foundations of a good lifestyle. Here are some things most people forget to consider when undertaking the muscle building lifestyle, or beleive they are doing when they are not.
Mistake 1 : Failing to track progress.
Mistake 1 : Failing to track progress.
This mistake is made by a good percentage of trainers out there, because many people make gains despite not tracking. When tracking you should be able to come back at the end of every month and specifically know every gram of food you have eaten, every weight lifted, how many reps, sets, when it got hard, where you failed, how many hours you slept, what supplements you were taking etc. But most importantly you need to track your one rep max on each lift, your weight and your bodyfat.
By doing this you are able to account for all failures and all successes and see where you went wrong/right. This information is invaluable if you are serious about getting big and lean. If for a given month you dont know how much muscle you lost/gained or how much fat you lost/gained you are cheating yourself out of knowledge beyond the scope of any article you may read online.
Dont just sit there and hope for the best, be accountable for your actions and take steps to improve.
Mistake 2 : Failing to Lift Progressively Heavier weights/Allowing yourself to repeatedly lift the same weights
This is the sole reason 95% of people who go to the gym lack any discernable muscle mass, dont be one of them. This comes about because the health and fitness industry has this hard on for Form and �not letting your ego get into the movement� etc. Form is important, but only to the degree to which muscle is still being stimulated and gains are still being made. Bad form is when your form inhibits your ability to stimulate growth. I dont care how good your form on deadlifts is, if you lift the same weight today as you did a year ago, you havnt gotten noticably bigger sorry. That said i dont care how bad your form is if your lifting noticably more weight with the same form today as last year, congratulations you have gotten noticably bigger. Controversial yes but you cant deny its truth, look at guys like branch warren, nothing about his form is �pretty� but he lifts heavier and heavier weights and gets bigger and bigger. Its called �weight� training instead of �set and rep� training for a reason.
Mistake 3 : Reading to much and experiencing to little
This mistake goes hand in hand with mistake number one. Reading a bunch of articles is the equivalent of going to university, sure its helpful, but the real world is much different to what you think �should� be right. For example, all articles on fat loss preach low carb high protein/fat almost all at least. however through tracking progress i have found that this causes me to lose muscle much faster than fat, so through trial and error i now know that high carb low fat med protein for me works best. That is something i can only learn for myself.
So there we have it 3 mistakes most begginers make, but that dont really get the attention they should.
So there we have it 3 mistakes most begginers make, but that dont really get the attention they should.
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Bodybuilding Tips
Best Foods to Eat to Build Muscle Fast
Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013
Are you someone, who believes that health is wealth and for building strong muscles like your favorite sports star, you need to follow some healthy diet chart? You are absolutely correct. A healthy diet chart is very important if you want to develop your body muscles. If you want to develop your body muscles, you will have to consume different nutritious and high protein food. However, you need to avoid excessive fatty foods, as you do not want to add fat to your sculpted figure. If you are confused with the types of food that you should consume, the following chart might help you to some extent. By following this chart, you would be able to build body muscle fast and effectively.
- To build body muscles fast and effectively, fish oil can be your best choice. By consuming fish oil, you would be able to check the amount of inflammation. Not only that it would also lower fat contained in the body and help in increasing the testosterone level of the body. However, the quantity of fish oil that you need to consume per day should be recommended by an expert. Remember, only the experts can only recommend the amount fish oil that is needed by your body.
- It is often said that an egg a day keeps the doctor away. If you want to build body muscles fast and effectively, you need to consume one whole egg per day. Eggs are considered to be one of the cheapest and high sources of protein as well as vitamin. It also helps in increasing the testosterone level of the body. When it comes to egg, many people are worried about the cholesterol present in egg. There is nothing to worry about this cholesterol presence as it does not raise the blood cholesterol level.
- When you are considering building strong body muscles fast and effectively, you need to practice several workouts. To practice the difficult workouts, you need energy and for building energy there is no substitute of red meat. Red meat is rich in different nutritious value. It is also one of the tasty and yummy foods. Therefore, you should make a habit of consuming red meat to build your body. However, the quantity of red meat should be controlled else you might not get the best results.
- If you are a vegetarian, you must be wondering that the diet charts to build body muscle fast and effectively, only includes some non-vegetarian foods like egg and meat and it will not be possible for you to build muscles like an athlete. There is nothing to be so much disappointed. Fruits and nuts form equally important part of the diet chart if you want to build muscles. Berries and nuts should be included in your diet chart if you want to build strong muscles at ease. These are rich in nutritious value and will increase your strength and stamina for exercising your body muscles.
Oats should also form a part of your diet chart if you want to reduce the excess flab in your body and increase your energy level of body. Oats consumed with different fruits is highly advantageous for your body as you would also get the nutritious value of fruits.
- Whether you consume vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, you should ensure that you consume a large amount of water. If you do not consume water in large amount, your body would dehydrate soon and you would suffer from different health problems. Therefore, you should always take care of water consumption as well as diet chart to build body muscles fast and effectively.
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Bodybuilding Tips,
Is it harder to lose fat by eating after 7pm?
By James Collier BSc (Hons) � Nutrition Consultant
You hear it a lot don�t you? Experts say that you shouldn�t eat after 7pm as it�s harder to lose weight. Calories consumed after 6-7pm count more. But is this true?
There are a number of problems with this claim. Firstly, we all go to bed at different times, so how can eating after 7pm, have the same significance for someone who goes to bed at mid-night, compared to someone who retires at 9pm?
Secondly, calories are merely a measure of energy and their impact on the body is no different at different times of the day; a calorie at noon = a calorie at night. Arlene Spark, Associate Professor of Nutrition at the Hunter College in New York, stated that some people who eat at night do so after skimping all day, so when they finally eat at night they grab the first thing in sight, which is, quite often, junk food.
Furthermore, there are others who eat full meals during the day then nibble more at night, so get extra calories. In contrast, people who lose weight, or maintain a healthy weight do not tend to eat as much at night, usually because they get the calories they need during the day, and thus are better able to control cravings in the evening and stay within recommended calorie limits.
There are few studies properly looking at this behaviour in humans, but there are several animal studies which show that night-time calories are no more fattening than daytime ones. At the end of the day, the calories you take in must equal the calories you expend.
Thirdly, to lose weight efficiently, many of us benefit on small amounts of complex, fibrous carbohydrate foods, spread evenly through the day. Only have small portions, but do not omit these, as they help keep a steady faster metabolic rate. Going too long at night could actually mean you have a slower metabolism, so do not burn fat as efficiently.
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lose weight
Workout Guide For Bodybuilders
Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013
There is a quote that many bodybuilders and football players and it will say "Eat great and Big Lift". This quote basically means that to get really big, you need to eat more and lift more. This is a training guide that bodybuilders have lived by for a long time. To do this, you need to write the amount of calories you consume each day and the amount of weight you lift now. You need to increase the number and training especially since you can get more.
Eating more can be a very easy task if you know what you are doing. Many people may think that all they have to do is eat a lot of anything and making them bigger, but this is not the case. If you decide to eat a lot of junk food then it would make you fat instead of healthy meat you will not be on your body. You must ensure that you are consuming healthy calories so you do not gain unwanted fat. If you really want to get maximum results, then you should try to create a personal plan.
Lifting is another big factor in getting big. For really big that you have to lift weights. When you set up a schedule and agenda of how you want to raise, you must ensure that you do no more than five reps if you want to get more and any number greater than five will become more torn than wholesale. Another great asset to have when you lift weights is to have an aggressive workout partner or trainer. This will increase the intensity of the workout and a good workout partner or trainer will push you to work harder and lift so that you can make the most of your workout time.
Protein supplements are also used for training. There are many protein supplements on the market that are used for different things. Some types of protein can help build muscle mass and other proteins can help build lean muscle mass. If you choose to use protein, then you need to understand what type of protein is best for you and your goals. You also need to do a lot of research on the type of protein and the brand before purchase.
Eating more can be a very easy task if you know what you are doing. Many people may think that all they have to do is eat a lot of anything and making them bigger, but this is not the case. If you decide to eat a lot of junk food then it would make you fat instead of healthy meat you will not be on your body. You must ensure that you are consuming healthy calories so you do not gain unwanted fat. If you really want to get maximum results, then you should try to create a personal plan.
Lifting is another big factor in getting big. For really big that you have to lift weights. When you set up a schedule and agenda of how you want to raise, you must ensure that you do no more than five reps if you want to get more and any number greater than five will become more torn than wholesale. Another great asset to have when you lift weights is to have an aggressive workout partner or trainer. This will increase the intensity of the workout and a good workout partner or trainer will push you to work harder and lift so that you can make the most of your workout time.
Protein supplements are also used for training. There are many protein supplements on the market that are used for different things. Some types of protein can help build muscle mass and other proteins can help build lean muscle mass. If you choose to use protein, then you need to understand what type of protein is best for you and your goals. You also need to do a lot of research on the type of protein and the brand before purchase.
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