best Shoulder Exercises

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Big shoulders signal a powerful physique, no matter how covered up with clothing they are. Whether he's wearing a sweatshirt, a dress shirt or even a tuxedo, a wide, round pair of delts instantly identify a man as rugged and masculine. Even more significant is their role in physique competition.

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Best Biceps Workout

Kamis, 20 September 2012

Bicep exercises target the muscles located in front of your upper arms, opposite of your tricep muscles, between your forearms and your shoulder muscles. 

They are known as the bicep muscles (plural) since the muscle group is formed of two main muscles. The inner bicep muscle is also called the short head and the outer bicep muscle is also called the long head. 

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Best Abs Workout

We often get questions about the best abs exercises�after all, who doesn't want to tone their tummy in the least amount of time? There are countless exercises that target the abs, including fitness DVDs (Does "8 Minute Abs" ring a bell?) and even pricey machines that you often see on infomercials. But do you need a video or specialized piece of equipment to get the abs of your dreams?
best abs workout

best abs workout

best abs workout

abs training


abs exercices


abs training


abs workout
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best chest workout

Rabu, 12 September 2012

best chest workout

chest workout

chest training

best chest workout

best chest workout

best chest workout

best chest workout

best chest workout

best chest workout

best chest workout

chest workout

all chest workout

all chest workout

all chest workout


all chest workout

chest workout

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How To Increase Muscle Size

How to increase muscle size

bodybuilding guide

1- Stop all aerobics/ cardio

aerobic exercise has a detrimental effect on mass building. if you are a hard-gainer, cardio will be burning mostly muscle since you don`t have fat to lose.

2- Eat more fish (high in protein)

people wanting to incerace muscle size aren`t eating enough protein. fish has great benefits including omega-3 fatty acids and is very high in protein.
a Standart can of tuna has over 30 grams of protein.

3- Increase sodium intake

No joke, sodium is essenial mineral that is an absolute must for muscle growth.
It also enhances carbohydrate storage and amino acid absorption.

4- Lift Explosively

The harder you work your muscles, then the more amount of muscle grounth you`ll be able to create.
Work your muscles to exhaustion. it they are soe the nest day, smile, because they are growing!

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Good sources of Carbohydrates and Proteins

Good sources of carbohydrates and proteins


-Chicken breasts
-Egg whites
-Whey protein
Proteins rich


-Brown rice
-Brown bread
-Green vegetables
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