weight training for beginners

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

weight training for beginners

weight training for beginners

compound exercises

full body exercises
builds most muscle and burns most calories
saves a LOT of time


Works entire body
Best exercises to test overall strength
if you can only do one exercise do this one


king of the muscle building exercises
works entire body
Best exercises for building lower body strengts

chinups & pullups

the squat for the upper body
works all muscle groups of the upper body
whole body moves through space
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Of the most important fitness exercises for any athlete

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Do you want to work out 6 muscles in your body one workout? Yes it's push-ups
push ups
push ups
Muscle learned Atina push-ups:
1: the entire triceps muscle
2: front shoulder muscle
3: rear back muscle
4: the entire chest muscle
5: the front thigh muscle
6: calf muscle

Many studies have been conducted and proved that continue to exercise pressure for 40 continuous enough time to completely change the shape of your body and increase muscle size significantly.
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